In history is funny given crypto is like the most recent possible thing to eist worth stealing at this level. Its like a decade and a half?
How North Korea pulled off a $1.5 billion crypto heist—the biggest in history
Submitted 6 days ago by to
Comments 6 days ago 6 days ago
Payment for the soldiers they sent to the grinder 6 days ago
What proportion of their GDP is that? 6 days ago
$29.6 billion (2023). $1,217 GDP per capita. So about 5.01% of it’s GDP. 6 days ago
GDP isn’t a particularly useful measurement when a nation is that sanctioned, but it’s a still a pretty hefty cash influx in the exact kind of currency that lets them evade those sanctions. 6 days ago
Internet says gdp of 23.34B so 6ish% of GDP. 6 days ago
Good for them honestly 5 days ago
There’s a great podcast called “The Lazarus Heist” that goes into North Korea’s activities in stealing huge sums of money. Well worth a listen. 6 days ago
Dont believe the NK story. As soon as the coup fund (USAID) gets raided 1,5B of money goes up in spoke takwn by *checks notes, the north koreans… The president and first lady are doing rug pulls one month in office, I’d wager the op came from our side. 6 days ago
Crypto really is a perfect target for this kind of bank robbery, nobody can really feel too bad about it. It adds nothing to society, since you can’t even buy anything with it beside drugs and is mostly used for speculation and creating pollution. 6 days ago
I personally think there could be practical uses for crypto, such as getting around banking monopolies, but it’s poorly secured at the moment, and the main usecase being pushed by its users are “get rich quick” schemes often involving fraud. 5 days ago
In a way crypto has fulfilled the promise of “banking the unbanked”… Its just that the main group of ”unbanked” people happened to be criminals and scammers.
Its been a huge boom for scammers, before this you had to convince people to use wester union or something and convince a person they are talking to some inconvenienced soon to be oil barron, now all they do is throw up a website with tradingview charts and people will throw money at them. 6 days ago
Its the only way to make private payments (XMR) in a world where everything tracks and spies on you. And it’s not only used to buy illegal stuff . 6 days ago
Okay I get the hate for capitalism and global warming, but can we stop acting like anonymous payments for drugs and web hosting g are a bad thing?
Do you like to get stoned and/or to trip balls? Do you like watching pirated movies? I fucking do at least, I imagine most people do lol. 5 days ago
Your thinking seems to assume the liberal society as static and unchanging and seek to make life within it more tolerable, even with things that are mostly just product of current society and it’s ills.