Starlink broadband attracting residents to remote West Virginia - West Virginia Explorer
Submitted 2 months ago by to 2 months ago
When my wife PCSed from Long Island to Fort Knox we made several trips where we passed through West Virginia and I was always blown away at how gorgeous it is. 2 months ago
I have a friend who lives in northeastern Kentucky and so I’ve been there a couple of times and completely agree it’s absolutely beautiful country but that area is very economically poor because it was so big into coal mining. If I remember correctly, the county where she lives is one of the poorest in the United States. 2 months ago
You can find a heartbreaking amount of stories just like that across that entire stretch of the country. Towns that thrived off coal, but have since all but collapsed into poverty. People who struggle to find new lines of work, because they never knew anything different. People quietly dying, fighting to get help with the damage done to their lungs. 2 months ago
Very very, heartbreakingly poor. When we first got to Kentucky was blown away by the number of “coal it keeps the lights on” license plates.
My wife hits 30 years in six years. Kentucky is high on my list of places for us to retire to. 2 months ago
Most beautiful state I’ve ever been to.