It’s the party that lies through their teeth. Why on earth would you think they would admit anything?
If the democrats executed the same fake electors scheme trump tried to execute, wouldn't Republican opposition be admission of trumps guilt?
Submitted 2 months ago by to
Comments 2 months ago 2 months ago
Parties are people. I expect nothing from the leaders but would hope they stepped the fuck down. Not going to happen. It’s the party supporters that I take issue with. You can start building the alternative today but instead you want to sit there and stare at trump while your complete powerless to stop it. There is no savior dem that will step up. There is no revolution forces that will over throw the government. There is just you, being fooled into thinking your rights and freedom aren’t a whim away from some orange asshole extinguishing them. 2 months ago
And it’s the same Republicans who said Supreme Court nominations shouldn’t happen right before an election and also voted in nominations right before an election. They don’t give us shit about anything. Why would we go through a stunt when they wouldn’t think twice about how they are hypocritics. they know then are, they just don’t care. 2 months ago
It doesn’t matter because they will just spin it, ignore any relevance to their own actions, and repeat it enough that it becomes the narrative. This is the standard M.O. 2 months ago
Doesn’t matter.
Democrats will always be held to an unattainably high standard while Republicans are held to literally none.
Trump supporters unironically walked around wearing “I’m voting for the felon” merchandise. They support criminals because they admire criminals, as long as the criminals are on their team.
Their hypocrisy knows no bounds, so they will look you straight in the eye and say a democrat is the anti-christ for attempting a fake electors scheme, despite their guy having done so himself.
None of this matters. Because Americans don’t care. Because Americans aren’t responsible democratic citizens. Which is why we’re experiencing a decline we won’t be crawling out of anytime soon. 2 months ago
He can be lawless, she must be flawless. 2 months ago
If ir doesn’t matter, do it for the lawls then. 2 months ago
Maybe we should have a peaceful takeover of the Capital on Jan 6, it’s very cool and very legal after all 2 months ago
It would be a way to show that the DNC actually cares. 2 months ago
They wouldn’t care. The Republican party generally isn’t intellectually honest, and their supporters don’t pressure them to be. 2 months ago
At this point we’re waiting to see if they are bigoted enough to actually take up arms and support the fascist state, if so they’re going to find out quickly how many libz also own guns. 2 months ago
[deleted] 2 months ago
The thing is, dems can do what they want. We elevated them and they are weak in face of fascism. It’s easy for them, too. They take their time and plan their scuttle butt with no consequence. What happens if the democrats put in a pit bull ag? The Republicans get upset? They curse their names and say, “you’ll rue the day.” They already do it. They do it when the demo accidently step on a toe. Then cowar away, afraid to upset the money train and lose their station. It’s a joke. There’s nothing to gain here. They lost, you don’t understand. This was off ramp. This was resistance. It’s a sunk cost. You will waste resource going back to this empty well. 2 months ago
Is anybody denying Trump’s guilt? 2 months ago
They will drop all changes when trumpntakes power. So yes. 2 months ago
They’d wear “hypocrite” tshirts while sentencing the fake electors. 2 months ago
Bold of you to assume Democrats care about anything other than the good boy points they think they get by sticking to a rulebook that fewer and fewer are abiding by 2 months ago
It would be evidence of hypocrisy and selective enforcement, not admission of Trumps guilt. 2 months ago
I don’t think the democrats are delaying confirmation, Trump is delaying signing conflict of interest documents, financial disclosure and medical records. 2 months ago
Sure, and?
Remember when they had a hissy fit about a Supreme Court nomination too close to an election, refused to fill and then decided the opposite was true if trump was in charge? 2 months ago
I think overall there is no pathway to seating kamala it would just be a waste of time. At the same time, though, what a way to send a message. I think if the democrats understood how far lost they were it would be the most beautiful death throw. 2 months ago
Ehhh, I think it sends a message to any Independent or wavering trump voter that “hey, 'member all the threat to democracy stuff we talked about? Yeah, just kidding!”
Sucks to be the adult party but such is life.