Born a sconie right on Lake Michigan, lived in Iowa for a handleful of years for college, then moved to Sota where I live currently. Software Engineer for 20+ years, Ham Radio Operator, lover of retro graming, old time radio and the outdoors.
- Comment on Fucking leeches 11 hours ago:
My biggest issue with capital gains is that they’re usually taxed lower than labour gains. I think that should be reversed. If capital gains were heavily taxed and that tax was used to better the community then I think it would have more justification.
This is exactly the issue. It is what divides the upper from the lower classes. When you are the asset any issues in your life are compounded and there is no liquidation option like you have when its all assets. The safety nets are so drastically different between with what level of “becoming whole again” that its ridiculous we have gotten this far with capital gains not being seen as a real privilege. But that is why we are seeing a major generational gap between the realization of how bad things have gotten.
- Comment on Might be fun idk 3 weeks ago:
I can see it, Yakety Sax playing the entier 4 minute game.
- Comment on Anonymous: Trump is making America weaker and we’ll exploit it - News Cafe 3 weeks ago:
I think the guy you’re thinking of Fox Mulder
- Comment on The parable of the "Good Samaritan" is an ancient example of Israeli racism / bigotry 3 weeks ago:
All the children songs were like that. Remeber singing about the animals boarding the ark two by two. They seemed to skip over all the children on earth drowning.
- Comment on If the democrats executed the same fake electors scheme trump tried to execute, wouldn't Republican opposition be admission of trumps guilt? 3 months ago:
what do you think the results will be?
They will point to all the laws they ignored and say they apply. When you point out “hey you did the same thing” they will change the subject or ignore you comment. They know they are hypocrits and don’t care. They will do whatever it takes to win including cheat. So again I ask you what do you think will happen? I think the answer is nothing.
- Comment on If the democrats executed the same fake electors scheme trump tried to execute, wouldn't Republican opposition be admission of trumps guilt? 3 months ago:
And it’s the same Republicans who said Supreme Court nominations shouldn’t happen right before an election and also voted in nominations right before an election. They don’t give us shit about anything. Why would we go through a stunt when they wouldn’t think twice about how they are hypocritics. they know then are, they just don’t care.
- Comment on Did "Party time! Excellent!" come from Wayne's World or Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure? Did one copy the other? 3 months ago:
The SNL skit started in 89
- Comment on If the democrats executed the same fake electors scheme trump tried to execute, wouldn't Republican opposition be admission of trumps guilt? 3 months ago:
It’s the party that lies through their teeth. Why on earth would you think they would admit anything?
- Comment on Did "Party time! Excellent!" come from Wayne's World or Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure? Did one copy the other? 3 months ago:
I believe both came out in '89
- Comment on Oh Elon 4 months ago:
ah, fake friends. yeah he only has fake friends.
- Comment on We should have elections with no candidates. 4 months ago:
I think the big issue with this is we would fall prey to the BS spin some parties like to push. Based on their stated goals like focusing on the family, workers rights, smaller government, you’d think they are a great option. But once you start yo listen to the candidates talk what you find out is that their entire list of selling points are made up and not at all what they want to push.
While i agree some of the personal life stuff is ridiculous, looking at how some of these politicians act in society we aee exactly what they will be doing when “representing” all of us. If the candidate is a horrible person I’d hope that people qould recognize that they will not service the people fairly. But post pandemic we have seen that there is a lot of really crappy people out there who used to just keep quiet about their horrible views, today they are just lacking shame.
- Comment on Oh Elon 5 months ago:
You think he really had friends?!?
He is the quintessential elitist who has never had real struggles, nor had any really meaningful life experiences.
- Comment on What were your (now retro, but not at the time) gaming wow moments 6 months ago:
I was always more of a retro gamer even back in the day. 80s and 90s playing MUDs or Atari and getting an SNES late to the game. My computers were always hand me downs from my parents so i never really got into the best games when i was a kid.
But when i got that issue of PC Gamer with the demo of what Halo was going to be like, with the dinosaurs and cut scenes built into the engagement with your targets…wow i wanted to play that.
- Comment on What were your (now retro, but not at the time) gaming wow moments 6 months ago:
In the original release of Myst you weren’t necessarily prevented from stumbling upon things you would find as you follow the progression. My parents got me the game and i ended up clicking on everything and found the last room where the whole story comes full circle…well before i hit up the individual book worlds.
- Comment on What is the better game...The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Final Fantasy VII? 6 months ago:
Very true, that was a simple answer. A wrong answer, but a simple one.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 0 comments
- Comment on Youtube's Anti-adblock is illegal in the EU 1 year ago:
Yeah yeah the standard pedantic response to web services who use ads.
But how about a real response? People want to block ads and still consume content. If you feel the cost is too high then shouldn’t people watch some ads and block others to only “pay what you want.” Everyone seems to want the service for free and then cry that when you don’t pay your get your videos.
Explain how this is different than going to a grocery store and then being pissed they wont let you just walk away with food without paying?
- Comment on YouTube intensifies fight against ad blockers showing pop-ups, and users are frustrated | Blocking ad-block users 1 year ago:
Not sure how an IPFS option would work. I get the bandwidth issue slightly goes away as we’d all kinda share that cost but not really. IPFS isn’t really free storage. Of all media shitty compression video is big and anyone who forgot to tune their torrent upload and accidently seeded something for too long knows you’ll run out of monthly bandwidth allotments very fast.
- Comment on Youtube's Anti-adblock is illegal in the EU 1 year ago:
I’m all for personal freedoms but you’re getting a service you pay no money for and then get pissed that they are getting the money out of you another way. Sound like people being petty.
- Comment on The IRS Is Using AI to Target the Ultra-Wealthy for Tax Violations 1 year ago:
I’ll believe it when i see it. The amount of lost funds from multi millionaires and billionaires would easily pay for the staff required and yet they don’t do it. It has always felt like an intentional act ignoring the wealthy to keep money in the US. Cheat on taxes as long as you keep your business woth us.
- Comment on The world's largest chipmaker promised to create thousands of US jobs. There are growing tensions over whether US workers have the skills or work ethic to do them. 1 year ago:
Mr. Pringles
- Comment on Question for software developers: how do you organize your To Do list at work? 1 year ago:
I use todo.txt format, created my own cli
I set up tasks with priorities:
- A: tasks i am doing now/today
- B: tasks i am planning on soing this week
- C: tasks that need to be done but aren’t high priority
- D: tasks I delete if not done by the end of the month
I make sure all my tasks have a
and if i have to deal with a@SpecificService
i note that. I will also add in things likejira:StoryNumber
or other data.Due dates are rare, only when there is a hard stop. End of a sprint is not a hard stop. If i need to remind someone I’ll use due date and
100% of the time all tasks go in my list. Nothing is left for me to remember. It goes into my list before it ends up in a Jira ticket or Conflience page. Remind me first, everyone else second.
First thing in the morning i process my list. Move tasks to A. End of the week at the end of the month I delete all the D tasks.
As for notes, i use vimwiki with automation to compile into html when files are written. I’ve also setup coworkers with an automated process using pandoc to go from markdown to html. Then i have a little a bookmark on my browser to pull it all up nice and pretty. I’ll post the scripts later, not at my computer.
Daily diary entry made every morning when i do my todo list prep, entry for each meeting. Add notes dueing meetings and links or other details when looking for solutions to problems.
- Comment on Student project consumes 17% of energy of traditional desalination plants 1 year ago:
Thanks for digging
- Comment on Student project consumes 17% of energy of traditional desalination plants 1 year ago:
I’m wondering if the “amazing” part is that its just physically smaller? It says less brine which means either its not pumping through a ton of seawater…or some how making the salt go somewhere. So I’m thinking its that its a small foot print and cheap materials meaning that its accessible to more people.
- Comment on How did you get your job? Any advice? 1 year ago:
I’ve done a few things.
I have a mailing list for all my recruiters. They all get added in whenever I get pings on LinkedIn or cold calls. When I am looking for work the mailing list all gets BCC’d a message saying I’m looking, here is my resume, what I’m looking for, etc. When I book an interview I BCC them all saying one of the recruiters has setup an interview, if you work on their behalf do not submit my name as I know there are issues with multiple recuiters doing that. They all get the info, and honestly all the recruiters I’ve worked with have loved this.
Second is apply to everything. There have been places where their job description was my exact work history and yet I get no response. No one is hamed by you applying all over. They want candidates and if no one applied then the jobs would stay empty. I found a job in 4 months of looking but I applied to probably 70 jobs. Some were me trying to get a huge raise and position job, a few were worst case scenario. The job before my previous one took 9 months of looking and a few hundred applications. I did get a few offers along the way but not things I wanted to do.
It is all a numbers game. I’ve been a developer for 25 years and it has never been a one and done task. I have all sorts of crap to toot my own horn and I’d say that in 90% of the jobs I apply for I’m overly qualified and yet many times I didn’t get a call because the person fielding my resume and application didn’t move it along. Was the role filled? Did they think I’d get bored or expect more pay? Did they not like the font I’m using? I will never know.
Oh and your interview skills needs to be worked on.
- Comment on Tech workers react to UPS drivers landing a $170,000 a year package with a mixture of anger and admiration 1 year ago:
Damn, I must have had the wrong dev job. Did one for 13 years where i had to wear flame retardant clothes, drive up mountains in the winter and sit out in the desert in the summer, annual training as a first responder. But I did sip a lot of coffee and have a lot of stress.
- Comment on Linux Containers Forks LXD Project As "Incus" 1 year ago:
That is kind of the expected setup. Either a vm or a dedicated system. You let docker do its thing and it should work.
I run lxc because i want contained systems I control. That just means I have to do the work too.
- Comment on Linux Containers Forks LXD Project As "Incus" 1 year ago:
There are a few differences because lxc runs along side the reast of host system rather than the daemonized container service that Docker does.
From the host you can access kernel related controls within the target system. You can see the processes running, perform tuning on them, etc while also having the same kernel level control inside the target. This also means you can have better control over security bu setting group policies, apparmor profiles and system aware firewall rules because you aren’t running your target in a black box.
Their purposes are very different. If you are running a single process for a single purpose you use Docker. When you want yo run a system for a specific service you run lxc. Can you do the opposite within each type? Yep. But that’s not what they are designed for. Can you run a full blown email service with imap and pop, a web server for a webmail client and antivirus services inside a docker container…of course. But all the tuning and configuration is done at the container level which means that we assume all installs and replication must be the same. In lxc i can install the same system but if we want to tweak max memory usage or niceness of a given service you can do that globally or target a specific container while on docker youd have to go to each container to do that work.
- Comment on Linux Containers Forks LXD Project As "Incus" 1 year ago:
With the addition of Alpine Linux containers are now barely bigger than the application itself.
- Comment on Linux Containers Forks LXD Project As "Incus" 1 year ago:
I use it all the time, similar to how I use jails on my FreeBSD systems. Basically when I need to compartmentalize an app I launch a new instance of Alpine and install the app.
As an example I have a container that has my VPN software and a browser that I know is a clean room.
I run Gentoo as my main distro and sometimes a package is distributed only as a deb with very specific version dependencies I can’t build. So I spin up a base Debian container and install the app. If it’s X11 I can launch it into my current session and if it’s console then I can always mount my home directory as a network share.