Don’t know that it’s quite a meme, but it was recommended I crosspost it here!
Submitted 3 months ago by to…/384435067_The_gravity_of_Paleo…
Don’t know that it’s quite a meme, but it was recommended I crosspost it here!
Where is Saddam Hussein? Is he safe? Is he alright?
Don’t worry, he’s alright. I found him right beneath your comment:
Is he alright? Looking awfully pale, if you ask me.
He’s in our hearts.
Air vent
think you meant 196
Is Eren a man’s name or a woman’s?
In both cases last names are used; I believe they’re both men.
Eren and Erin are scum, dirty names that should be scrubbed from the history books, not the people, just the name.
Right along with Arron and Aron, they are also fake names and should be deleted.
Full disclosure, my name might be Aaron
This is the lab behind the poop knife. They are absolutely experts in this kind of thing.
I need to read the whole paper, but I suspect the weight/wind resistance ratio of the javelin is better, and that the motion of launching an atlatl dart is affected by the downward angle. The railing on the scissor lift likely has an effect, too.
I think you found the perfect place.
This post is awesome!
So women are more effective at using atlatls?
Eren and Kim are both men, I believe
It’s fascinating that archaic weapons have been tested to that extent.
Yeah I figured that even if they were first-names it wasn’t obvious the example was about gender differences.
Eren has great child-bearing hips. 3 months ago
That poor bastard yak (or whatever) wandered into the wrong canyon that day. 3 months ago
“Ugg want to do science.”
“What science?”
“Throw eight spears at a yak.”
“Ogg like science!”