It recommended adding cycling to the city’s public spaces protection order (PSPO), which aims to tackle antisocial behaviour by banning large gatherings, street drinking, graffiti and loud noise in the city centre, and issuing fines to those who do not comply.
So if the city can issue fines for non-compliance to this law, why can’t they issue fines for the small number of cyclists that are currently endangering people? Why ban the 99% of good cyclists instead of going after the bad 1%? 4 months ago
If there’s a path with a lot of pedestrians on it, I don’t think it’s unreasonable that cyclists are expected to get off their bike and walk like everybody else.
I had my jaw fractured because some speeding JustEat delivery man came blasting through a pedestrian area of Newcastle on his bike, clearly not paying attention and going at far too high a speed.
It was very painful, I have a scar on my face, I couldn’t work or eat comfortably for a while. 4 months ago
Man, that sounds rough. I hope you’re okay now. I suppose the rider got away?
Those delivery riders with their often illegal e-bikes are a scourge. They’re like that in London too. I’ve seen them on pavements with their throttle modded bikes, even though we have both a bus lane and a cycle lane. 4 months ago
Oh yeah he got away and wasn’t identified
I’m fine now, it was a few years ago. I just have an ugly scar I’m a bit self conscious about 4 months ago
Couldn’t agree more, bikes belong on the road not on pedestrian pavements!
These delivery drivers are a fucking scourge as well. I have had a few run ins this year with them driving their mopeds through pedestrian areas.
I hope the council do clamp down on this bullshit behaviour but also invest in cycling infrastructure too. I’m lucky where I live has a pretty good network of cycle paths but it is still lacking. 4 months ago
A bit of white paint to put cycle lanes in the pedestrianised roads would resolve this.