- Comment on Harry and Ron were always bored in class because Rowling's magic system is boring as hell 3 days ago:
Sanderson is such a beast, everything he has written that I’ve read is solid gold!
- Comment on The PS2 turns 25 years old today. Crazy, right? Perfect day for revisiting some classics. What are some of your favourite PS2 games? 4 days ago:
A few titles that I never really hear anyone mention:
Mister Mosquito
Steambot Chronicles
Auto Modellista
And then some of my favourites that everyone knows about:
Burnout 3: Takedown
Smugglers Run
State of Emergency
NFS: Underground
Shadow of the Colossus
SOCOM, specifically the online MP
To name but a few, I don’t want to write an absurdly long list which is just too easy to do.
- Comment on Favorite Racing Game Soundtrack? 5 days ago:
Flatout: Ultimate Carnage or Need For Speed: Underground
- Comment on Centuries-old leasehold system to be abolished in England and Wales 6 days ago:
Thanks for the additional info. I am generally not super knowledgeable on politics so I will go check out your links :)
- Comment on Centuries-old leasehold system to be abolished in England and Wales 6 days ago:
There was a vote in 2011 to change the voting system that the idiots of the UK voted against changing. I was a kid then and that was the first time I voted but even as someone who has almost zero interest in politics I could see that moving away from fptp was the (what I thought) obvious choice.
Apparently not.
After the absolute farce that was brexit as well I don’t believe the the population of the UK are able to make a good decision that benefits the country and general populace. The majority of the population aren’t able to employ critical thinking and are just easily lead towards shitty decisions.
I don’t believe that even if we did get another vote to change this terrible system that it would actually pass unfortunately. I have no faith in the ability of this population to make good decisions.
- Comment on EA has open sourced Command & Conquer: Red Alert under GPLv3 1 week ago:
Loved Renegade so much. Played the shit out of the MP back in the day.
- Comment on Lemmy’s essential 25 PS1 games 1 week ago:
Fuck yeh. We used to do that but one person had to play under a duvet because both of the TVs faced in the same direction.
- Comment on Google/Apple map navigation should overlay weather 1 week ago:
People don’t pay enough attention driving as it is constantly looking at their phones, adding tiny icons and lines to mark weather systems would be just another thing to distract already terrible drivers.
If you want to look at the weather then pull over and do so, I don’t think it has any place as additional distractions in a vehicle imo.
- Comment on How is my bedroom being heated? 2 weeks ago:
In the UK? I doubt it very much. It isn’t beyond possibility but under floor heating really isn’t very prevalent here.
- Comment on How is my bedroom being heated? 2 weeks ago:
You are in the UK now so the chance of it being underfloor heating is very slim indeed unless you are in a new build from the last 5 - 10 years or so, even then I would doubt it though.
It is probably a combination of the amount of insulation we put in walls, floors and roof spaces along with the fact you downstairs neighbour or neighbours if there is a basement will be using theirs and obviously heat rises.
I know many people here that live in flats above other people that will never switch their heating on and live comfortably.
It is likely that those radiators are your only heat sources coupled with presumably a gas boiler to serve both the radiators and your hot water taps. There will be some kind of controls for it somewhere though, not all systems with have a thermostat in place. My current house has 3 radiators with no thermostat. It is either on or off or you can set time intervals for it to switch on and off by itself but there is no temperature based control.
- Comment on What's up, selfhosters? - Sunday thread 2 weeks ago:
This year has been my first foray into self hosting in general. I have been doing a lot of learning and have a long way to go but have got to the point where I have proxmox running with a few VMs running an arr stack, a jellyfin server and a Plex server.
I’m just super happy to get everything running and now need to fine tune stuff. Currently trying to figure out why the Plex server is down half the time externally.
I’m having a lot of fun!
- Comment on What is your favorite app for Lemmy? Include Platform 3 weeks ago:
I used connect for nearly 2 years, I like the way it looks and operated and was fairly happy, however after an update this week that introduced a shit load more bugs and didn’t really fix any of the outstanding ones I finally got sick of it.
So this week I have been using Voyager all week, think I’m gonna jump around a few different ones and try and find a new place to stay.
- Comment on PayPal owns brands like Venmo, Honey and is heavily integrated into eBay - if you're looking to stop giving your money to bad companies, take a second to search their subsidiary brands as well. 3 weeks ago:
“Heavily integrated into eBay” except it isnt any more.
Firstly the article is a year and a half old but although you can still use PayPal on eBay to say it is heavily integrated is bullshit. EBay started moving away from PayPal years ago and at this point have integrated their own systems linking to your bank account to take the place of what they used to use PayPal for.
- Comment on I want to feel like a bad-ass wizard 3 months ago:
I just estimated how much space I needed and channelled the right spell :p
- Comment on I want to feel like a bad-ass wizard 3 months ago:
I mean you only have to change a few words to figure out what they intended to write so I’d say not awake fully?
“In this setting the art of the mage was reading the battle and estimating how much space you need to channel each spell”
At least that is how I read it
- Comment on Need for Speed: what is the best title of the series? 3 months ago:
I really want to try Unbound, it is the first title that has looked interesting to me in the NFS series for a while it is just a shame that I have to use their launcher, if this wasn’t the case I might actually even be willing to break my rule of not giving EA any money (although I would buy it when it was on deep sale that they have fairly often). Shame.
- Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 released in December 2020. Almost 4 years later, what is your opinion on it? 3 months ago:
I tried it for the first time this year, I put in around 10 hours to try and get into it and honestly I found it pretty dull. I didn’t think the combat felt particularly satisfying and the story as far as I got in it did nothing to interest me or draw me in.
I’m not saying it is a bad game because I certainly dont think that but for me personally just nothing clicked, it felt like a slog just to get through the 10 or so hours I put in and I dont have enough time to force myself to like games any more so I just moved on.
- Comment on Cycling will be more dangerous due to council clampdowns, say campaigners 4 months ago:
Couldn’t agree more, bikes belong on the road not on pedestrian pavements!
These delivery drivers are a fucking scourge as well. I have had a few run ins this year with them driving their mopeds through pedestrian areas.
I hope the council do clamp down on this bullshit behaviour but also invest in cycling infrastructure too. I’m lucky where I live has a pretty good network of cycle paths but it is still lacking.
- Comment on Day 104 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 4 months ago:
I still remember so many moments from this game and I haven’t played it since release, such a great game!
Following the blood trail in the pitch black in particular I always remember for some reason, probably the creepy baby cries that accompanied it.
- Comment on Sonic & Knuckles celebrates 30th Anniversary 4 months ago:
Sadly I had to sell all my original hardware but I might have to break out the emulator, it has been a while!
- Comment on Sonic & Knuckles celebrates 30th Anniversary 4 months ago:
Spinball is the most underated, untalked about Sonic game IMO. I do a play through every other year or so, it really is great!
- Comment on Sonic & Knuckles celebrates 30th Anniversary 4 months ago:
I was always a huge knuckles fan so couldn’t wait for this release and actually being able to play as him, got KT just after release for Christmas!
The bonus of playing him in the older games with the special cart was even better, gliding across chemical zone like it was nothing! The practice for the special stages using sonic 1 was great too!
Best character in that universe hands down for me!
- Comment on 'How are we going to escape?': Indonesian working holiday-makers say they were 'scammed' 4 months ago:
Absolutely. My point was more that there are a lot worse things going on than what the article picks up on for sure and they should be stopped.
My experience left me wondering who I’d even tell about the issues I experienced and more to the point who would even care. Most of my experience with the “officials” involved in working holidays, visas, border control etc aren’t just unhelpful but a lot foster some kind of disdain for people who are on a working holiday, it must be even harder for people whose first language isnt English like me.
I worked with an Indonesian guy who was kept working with the promise of the owner of the place I worked at that he was filling out the paperwork needed and sorting it for him. The owner constantly carried on this deception for as long as he could to keep the guy working. After I’d left I found out about a month later the guy had gotten so sick of being lied to he decided he was going to leave and make his own way elsewhere. The owners response was to report the Indonesian guy to relevant “authorities” and he ultimately got deported because, surprise surprise, his paperwork hadn’t been completed properly.
- Comment on 'How are we going to escape?': Indonesian working holiday-makers say they were 'scammed' 4 months ago:
That accommodation looks like fucking luxury compared to what I lived in for a year working in the Australian outback.
My experience is if you are on a working holiday visa then everyone is going to try and screw you over in some way, shape or form for their own benefit.
- Comment on SponsorBlock (and DeArrow) - SponsorBlock is a crowdsourced extension to skip sponsor segments in YouTube videos; DeArrow is a crowdsourced extension to replace titles and thumbnails on YouTube video 5 months ago:
I’ll watch entire videos and then leave before the last 20 seconds of bs is over and it won’t mark it as played for me and you’re out here having videos marked as played for just the preview player xD
- Comment on Any good games that break the mold 5 months ago:
I really enjoyed “Heading Out” this year which I felt was something a bit different and fresher feeling. Might be worth checking out!
- Comment on Music related weekly promotion thread for active communities 6 months ago:
Come for new wubs every day.
- Comment on LILYGO T-Deck Plus is a $70 handheld with GPS, LoRa, and a BlackBerry keyboard - Liliputing 6 months ago:
I too ran a unihertz titan for a few years, massive beast of a thing but I love a keyboard. Before that I had the blackberry keytwo which was my favourite phone of all time.
I backed the planet computers astroslide before they took everyone’s money and ran after delivering a fraction of the units promised and what was delivered was woefully out of date due to their ineptitude.
I still dream of a blackberry key three, but alas my dreams will never be fulfilled and I’m trapped on a shitty touch screen :'(
- Comment on Weekly active communities promotion thread 6 months ago:
Was on .world. Main points were to minimise centralisation of communities on .world and to maximise the number of people who can see the community based on some defederation and dislike of .world.
Thanks Blaze for supplying a link :)
- Comment on Weekly active communities promotion thread 6 months ago:
Migrated the dubstep community to a different instance but will still be very much active, I will be posting 2 releases per day, prioritising new releases where I can.
Please also join in if you like some wubs :)