They’re totally different games. Also depends if you’re referring to the series as a whole or the first game in the series.
One is a sim racer that came late in the consoles life, so it took better advantage of the hardware, bigger budget, so more content, etc.
The other is a port of an arcade game. Its a launch title, with very, very limited content.
For me, I get tired of Ridge Racer after playing it for a sitting. GT is the kind of game I can sit and play over the course of a few sittings and try and unlock cars and see more of the game.
But now if you’re talking about the series as a whole, then were talking about R4. I could play that all day. I much prefer the arcade style racing to the sim style of Gran Turismo.
Regardless, I think you could say racing game enthusiasts were eating good on the Playstation back in the day. 5 months ago
Entirely depends on how you like your racers. Ones super arcad-y and ones more of a simulator. 5 months ago
That’s why I vote for RR. I love GT, but as a retro game, I would say RR has that pickup and play mentality whereas GT is for the long hall.