“Just”? Tit for tat is not “just”, revenge is not “just”. Truth and consequences are just. If he actually didn’t win the election and it was truly fraud and cheating that got him the win, then yes, it would be just to bring that truth to light and execute the consequences of that truth. If he won fair and square, pretending like he didn’t is not just simply because he did it before.
Submitted 6 months ago by Don_Dickle@lemmy.world to nostupidquestions@lemmy.world
kryptonianCodeMonkey@lemmy.world 6 months ago
SquirtleHermit@lemmy.world 6 months ago
Perhaps, but with all of the voter suppression and election rigging that has been done by the Republicans, can you really say he won “fair and square” at this point?
kryptonianCodeMonkey@lemmy.world 6 months ago
If it’s by a hairs breadth, no. Depends on the specifics
april@lemmy.world 6 months ago
No because the Democrats actually care about truth and justice
SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone 6 months ago
I mean, fuck Trump, he’s obviously authoritarian… but Democrats are literally currently financing and arming a genocide.
Also, if they cared about justice, why do they keep letting Merrick Garland drag his fucking heels, dithering and waffling around because he doesn’t want to appear political… all while he looks political by not putting the screws to criminal enterprise and treating Trump with kid gloves?
paf0@lemmy.world 6 months ago
To be fair, that genocide has been funded by every politician before them on both sides for generations. Israel has been sacred in America, since WW2 and then AIPAC. That doesn’t make it right, but that’s why, and it’s not going to change in one election.
Also, I’m not sure that Garland doesn’t want to appear political as much as they want the process to appear fair. This isn’t a witch hunt, they need to follow the facts and have a solid case that they can win in a court system that was made highly biased by the very person they are prosecuting. They need to win.
Apepollo11@lemmy.world 6 months ago
From an outsider’s perspective, although the Republicans are clearly the most corrupt of the two parties, the Democrats are far from being the good guys.
There’s plenty of evidence to suggest that the Democrat politicians don’t actually care about truth and justice either, they’re just less bad than the Republicans are.
SnotFlickerman@lemmy.blahaj.zone 6 months ago
vote Democrat, but don’t kid yourself. Vote because they are the least worst option.
Especially at the state level. I know not everywhere has it so good, but my city and state level democrats are for the most part pretty awesome. I have way more issues with my federal representatives, who are democrat, but the scummy corporate kind.
Local elections have reverberations and are one of the best ways to attempt to implement something other than first-past-the-post voting, like ranked choice. (This is not an endorsement of ranked choice specifically)
Steve@communick.news 6 months ago
I would liken the Democrats to Megamind, and the Republicans to Hal Stewart.
linearchaos@lemmy.world 6 months ago
With your fake collectors gerrymandering and rigging going on I can’t say that I’m that big of a worry wart over the details anymore.
I’m kind of sick of the shit being inequal.
Newo@ttrpg.network 6 months ago
The key word in this post is “evidence”. If the Democrats came with only unfounded assertions, they should rightfully be laughed at and dismissed like the Republicans were in 2020.