This guy is a moron.
If the bots are saying they hate him and that he sucks, it’s because that’s what the general consensus was from all the data they scrapped.
Submitted 6 months ago by to
This guy is a moron.
If the bots are saying they hate him and that he sucks, it’s because that’s what the general consensus was from all the data they scrapped.
The bots are not reliable summarizes like that. They often can’t tell the difference between the author and the subject of a piece of writing.
My theory about what happened next — which is supported by conversations I’ve had with researchers in artificial intelligence, some of whom worked on Bing — is that many of the stories about my experience with Sydney were scraped from the web and fed into other A.I. systems.
These systems, then, learned to associate my name with the demise of a prominent chatbot. In other words, they saw me as a threat.
LLMs predict text, they don’t have feelings or awareness. Even if a researcher did say that I call to attention the Google chatbot programmer who though an LLM became sentient because it said so when generating text.
Guys, my paper is sentient, it says so.
If the AI says he’s disonhest and sensational that’s because enough people on the internet have said so that the AI considers it to be true.
It doesn’t take people on the internet saying it though; just an association with people saying something and the name, which happens to people who write news articles about something.
Prompt Google’s Gemini for its opinion of me, and it may respond, as it did one recent day, that my “focus on sensationalism can sometimes overshadow deeper analysis.”
Based on this article, it turns out the chatbots do get things right sometimes. 6 months ago
🤦♀️ 6 months ago
Most trustworthy and accurate New York times article.