- Comment on Huawei will replace Windows with homegrown HarmonyOS in upcoming PCs 5 months ago:
Good to see more stuff being built, even if it’ll probably justbbe Chinese spyware instead of red blooded 'Murican spyware lol.
Sounds like a fork of android, maybe it’ll be helpful getting nudging desktop OSs and wine/proton towards a better position on arm/risk devices if they go that route too.
- Comment on Mozilla faces a privacy complaint over Firefox's tracking 5 months ago:
Sorry I thought they were a separate thing. Thanks for bringing it up.
- Comment on NIST proposes barring some of the most nonsensical password rules 5 months ago:
At roughly 35,000 words and filled with jargon and bureaucratic terms, the document is nearly impossible to read all the way through and just as hard to understand fully.
A section devoted to passwords injects a large helping of badly needed common sense practices that challenge common policies. An example: The new rules bar the requirement that end users periodically change their passwords. This requirement came into being decades ago when password security was poorly understood, and it was common for people to choose common names, dictionary words, and other secrets that were easily guessed.
Since then, most services require the use of stronger passwords made up of randomly generated characters or phrases. When passwords are chosen properly, the requirement to periodically change them, typically every one to three months, can actually diminish security because the added burden incentivizes weaker passwords that are easier for people to set and remember.
A.k.a use a password manager for most things and a couple of long complex passwords for things that a password manager wouldn’t work for (the password manager’s password, encrypted system partitions, etc). I’m assuming In just summed up 35,000 words.
- Comment on Mozilla faces a privacy complaint over Firefox's tracking 5 months ago:
The only thing I looked for but could not find an answer on one way or the other is if Mozilla is making any sort of profit from this system. I would guess no but actually have no idea.
Fuck ad companies…
Mozilla bought an ad company (Anonym) shortly after implementing PPA. Their goal appears to be to pivot their revenue plan to (in part) being an ad company.
I’m absolutely convinced there’s a coordinated anti-Firefox astroturfing campaign going on lately.
I cannot know for sure whether that’s true or not, but a lot of very bad decisions have happened at Mozilla over the last six months and I think they’ve been the straw that’s broken the camel’s back.
- Comment on OceanGate’s ill-fated Titan sub relied on a hand-typed Excel spreadsheet 5 months ago:
Man, a hand typed spreadsheet must have been hard to navigate with the PlayStation controller.
- Comment on Oracle, Microsoft, BlackRock Building Dystopian AI Future (Video, CW: Lunduke) 5 months ago:
I just put the CW in because he’s very culture warrior-y and didn’t want to bother anybody who wouldn’t want to watch it. AFAIK he’s reliable when it comes to facts, but of course culture war stuff is sprinkled through a good portion of his tech stuff. This particular video is pretty culture war free and just focuses on the conference and AI.
- Comment on Oracle, Microsoft, BlackRock Building Dystopian AI Future (Video, CW: Lunduke) 5 months ago:
- Submitted 5 months ago to | 11 comments
- Comment on How Do You Change a Chatbot’s Mind? When I set out to improve my tainted reputation with chatbots, I discovered a new world of A.I. manipulation. 5 months ago:
My theory about what happened next — which is supported by conversations I’ve had with researchers in artificial intelligence, some of whom worked on Bing — is that many of the stories about my experience with Sydney were scraped from the web and fed into other A.I. systems.
These systems, then, learned to associate my name with the demise of a prominent chatbot. In other words, they saw me as a threat.
LLMs predict text, they don’t have feelings or awareness. Even if a researcher did say that I call to attention the Google chatbot programmer who though an LLM became sentient because it said so when generating text.
Guys, my paper is sentient, it says so.
If the AI says he’s disonhest and sensational that’s because enough people on the internet have said so that the AI considers it to be true.
- Comment on A third of the world’s population lacks internet connectivity − airborne communications stations could change that 5 months ago:
Ideally internet debates wouldn’t get THAT heated though.
- Comment on A third of the world’s population lacks internet connectivity − airborne communications stations could change that 5 months ago:
If nothing else, at least companies can’t force you to pay for their services at gunpoint (yet).
- Comment on Tumblr to move its half a billion blogs to WordPress 5 months ago:
My guess is it scales a lot more efficiently the more you add. Still probably costs a lot though.
- Comment on Any “small-web” search engines? 6 months ago:
- Comment on We need to nationalise Google, Facebook and Amazon. Here’s why 6 months ago:
Best case it’s gonna get bloated and beurocratic (any monopoly, but especially state run ones) and if it’s government owned they’ll use the power of the government to prevent competition (more than a private monopoly which will still try but won’t have as much power to do so).
Worst case it goes off the rails and the service is unavailable/unusable. If it’s anything important - say the Soviet’s food production - anybody who needs that service doesn’t get it.
- Comment on We need to nationalise Google, Facebook and Amazon. Here’s why 6 months ago:
The only thing worse than a monopoly is a government owned monopoly
- Comment on AT&T and Verizon ask FCC to throw a wrench into Starlink’s mobile plan 6 months ago:
AT&T and Verizon both intend to offer Supplemental Coverage from Space as part of separate deals with AST SpaceMobile.
Dear FCC,
Please don’t let a competitor enter the market.
Sincerely, AT&T and Verizon
- Comment on YouTube Not Accessible Across Russia. 6 months ago:
I’m not saying they believe that, I’m just commenting on what their government is saying.
- Comment on YouTube Not Accessible Across Russia. 6 months ago:
Because if their government won’t give them the full story it implies they might not like it.
- Comment on How the Frontal Lobotomy Won the Nobel Prize in 1949 6 months ago:
What barbarity we once had.
Anyway, time to prescribe an 8 year old an amphetamine because he fidgets to much when told to sit at a desk for 8 hours.
- Comment on YouTube Not Accessible Across Russia. 6 months ago:
Not a Russian political expert, but the fact Putin keeps calling it “denazification” and a “special military operation” leads me to believe there’s a lot of people who don’t support a full blown war.
- Comment on The Google antitrust ruling could be an existential threat to the future of Firefox | Financials show 86% of Mozilla's revenue came from the agreement keeping Google as Firefox's default search engine 6 months ago:
Mozilla doesn’t use their donations for Firefox, though that might change if they lose the Google money.