Fmovies takedown “is a stunning victory,” MPA CEO Charles Rivkin said.
It won’t take long for a bunch more sites to pop up to replace the ones that were taken down. The worse the legal streaming sites get, the more pirate sites there will be.
Submitted 6 months ago by to
Fmovies takedown “is a stunning victory,” MPA CEO Charles Rivkin said.
It won’t take long for a bunch more sites to pop up to replace the ones that were taken down. The worse the legal streaming sites get, the more pirate sites there will be.
This. When paid usability is worse than pirated, that’s when piracy surges, always. Why would want to deal with 10 different sites just to see what’s available, when pirate sites has the whole catalog indexed and searchable in a single place.
Yeah, so they took down movies and in turn some other sites under their umbrella. If they believe that is a significant blow to piracy, ai’m afraid their whack-a-mole game wasn’t even that good to begiwith.
Hilarious I pirate daily didn’t even notice.
You can’t stop the signal
What if I have a sword?
It’s adorable that they think they can actually make a dent.
More likely they know full well they can’t, they just want to pacify some shareholders.
“Look how big this mole was! Surely it was so big we shall never have to play whack-a-mole again. Game over. Everybody go home. We’ve defeated moles.”
George Bush “Mission Accomplished” banner intensifies
I feel like this dude should have a “Mission Accomplished” banner hanging behind him. 6 months ago
Let me get this straight. US Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) is working with corporations to safeguard their profit? I guess it’s true what they people say about US being an oligarchy. 6 months ago
Yup. They took StreamEast down a few days ago, but it’s already back up. Our tax dollars hard at work, protecting the profits of the wealthy. 6 months ago
More like a Corptocraty