- Comment on Jazz hands 5 months ago:
Rhythmic? No, not really. More exciting if the musician could somehow anticipate this fundamentally unpredictable event? Absolutely.
- Comment on Does the word "burger" have any extra meaning in some parts of the gay or lgbtq community? 5 months ago:
- Comment on Time is not an illusion. It’s an object with physical size | Aeon Essays 5 months ago:
They wrote that whole ass article and never stopped to consider that time may be both an illusion (in the sense that it is an emergent rather than a fundamental property of existence) AND necessary for the evolution of life (in the sense that other hypothetical configurations of physical laws which do not feature an emergent arrow of time may not produce life).
In regions of the set of all possible universes where the physical prerequisites of evolution were not present, nobody would be there wondering about why that is. In this region, conditions are right for life to evolve, so somebody is here to ask the question. It’s just the anthropic principle.
- Comment on The phrase "Pics or it didn't happen" is largely meaningless now that AI is a thing. 5 months ago:
Quantum cryptographically signed memory certificates from my designated reality broker or it didn’t happen.
- Comment on Yuri 5 months ago:
Aspirationally, yes.
- Comment on Worst examples of Treknobabble 5 months ago:
On the starship Enterprise, under Captain Kirk!
- Comment on Autoclave 6 months ago:
For airborne contagions. Next question.
- Comment on MPA says no more “Whac-a-Mole” with pirate sites, claims it took down “mothership” 6 months ago:
“Look how big this mole was! Surely it was so big we shall never have to play whack-a-mole again. Game over. Everybody go home. We’ve defeated moles.”
- Comment on Regarding this picture, where do you think quantum computers lie and why? 6 months ago:
I’m so dreadfully sorry. I cannot help myself. Please forgive me.
It’s “zero kelvins” not “zero degrees Kelvin.”
- Comment on Sid Meier’s Civilization VII - Gameplay Reveal Trailer 6 months ago:
I look forward to pirating this shortly after release day and getting the game plus all future DLC for free.
- Comment on I just wanted to take a moment to enjoy how clean the web can be 6 months ago:
Privacy Pass just randomly generated Prince Andrew and now my browser is all sweaty.
- Comment on is it possible to be married and still feel lonely? 6 months ago:
- Comment on Can someone define "liberal" (in its use as an insult) for me? 6 months ago:
Inspired by Phil Ochs, updated for 2023.