Married couple from Bristol attract awe and abuse on X with photos that show ‘staggering’ changes in the Alps
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Submitted 6 months ago by to
Married couple from Bristol attract awe and abuse on X with photos that show ‘staggering’ changes in the Alps
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Not sure what everyone is talking about, the after picture clearly shows more glacier!
Indeed. They also reversed aging.
Don’t think so, they aged so well!
I went to Iceland last year, and our guide told us that the glacier we were about to hike was half a km (1600 feet) closer to the trail head 10 years ago.
Same story in norway. Just in my kids lifetime the glacier have recesses over five hundred meters.…/2297?na… 6 months ago
Somewhere, some right-wing nut is going to take these pictures and say they were faked by "some entity". Then it will be shared a million times to support their view that they are being lied to and climate change is a hoax. 6 months ago
Thing is, they already have their explanation: Alpine glacial recession was caused by mountain warfare in WW1, beacuse they blew literal hole in there. That destabilised it.