- Comment on What good thing just happened in your life? 3 months ago:
That is just amazing! Been there, felt that! Enjoy!
- Comment on How did we move from forums to Reddit, Facebook groups, and Discord? 4 months ago:
Matrix+elements is very easy to selfhost in any homelab. works well enough for goverments. Federated and easy end to end encryption. And one can easily set up a web archive bridge forvarchiveable rooms.
That beeing said i still think IRC is the best for pure text chat.
- Comment on Make a wsh 4 months ago:
do not have any problem understandng.
- Comment on Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team 5 months ago:
People have experience.
- Comment on Celebrating 6 years since Valve announced Steam Play Proton for Linux 6 months ago:
Same. Before it was a mess of various wine tricks to get things working, now it is very easy.
Also the great return policy! Can buy, try, return if it does not work. Steam is really knocking it out of the park, when compared to everything else. - Comment on ‘It made me cry’: photos taken 15 years apart show melting Swiss glaciers 6 months ago:
Same story in norway. Just in my kids lifetime the glacier have recesses over five hundred meters.…/2297?na…
- Comment on You must be THIS not disabled to use the public footpath 7 months ago:
If you hit the hanging bar. You will hit the roof of the garage? In the back there.
- Comment on Google cancels plans to kill off cookies for advertisers 7 months ago:
Total cookie protection can have site breakage, even for very casual users. And it is enabled by default. That beeing said it is easy to stop for a site. And quite rare. Total cookie protection is a very nice fix for the cookie tracking issue imho.
- Comment on Here’s how much Valve pays its staff — and how few people it employs 7 months ago:
That they are miles better then the competition, does not mean there are no room for improvements.
- Comment on Here’s how much Valve pays its staff — and how few people it employs 7 months ago:
Steam is the only store putting the cusromer first. The refund policy is top notch. Heck just making proton, giving gamers the choise of os, is the best thing for gamers since computers was invented!
- Comment on Rock Eagle Flag 8 months ago:
From other countries that have regulations: prevent known criminals, known serious mentally ill people, known abusers, from having guns. Enforce gun lockers, and responsible ownership. Enforce education and training.
Most countries still have guns you know. Even just the gun lockers would prevent the us rampant murdering toddlers. - Comment on arthropods 9 months ago:
I imagined they used bugs per license plate for that. Since those are fixed size and vertical.
- Comment on What are the best indie games you've ever played? 11 months ago:
Closing to 6k. There is just infinite replayabillity. Then you add mods, and friends.
- Comment on FLOSS communities right now 1 year ago:
All chat tools after irc have been trash for large communities. That includes slack. Irc somehow still works with 1500 people in it. I can not explain how. With a logging bot the discussions can be archived for google searchabillity. I guess that could be true for a discord or slack also, But i never seen it implemented. In most slacks i can not search more then 60 days back.
- Comment on New Glibc Flaw Grants Attackers Root Access on Major Linux Distros 1 year ago:
Very well executed responsible disclosure. Good to see all the linux distro’s and vendors cooperating. Read the timeline :…/qualys-tru-discovers-important-… - Comment on How often do you back up? 1 year ago:
How often depends on how much work it is to recreate, or the consequences of loosing data.
Some systems do not have real data locally, get a backup every week. Most get a nightly backup. Some with a high rate of change , get a lunch/middle of the workday run.
Some have hourly backups/snapshots, where recreating data is impossible. CriticL databases have hourly + transaction log streaming offsite.How long to keep a history depends on how likely an error can go unnoticed but minimum 14 days. Most have 10 dailes + 5 weeky + 6 monthly + 1 yearly.
If you have paper recipes and can recreate data lost easily. Daily seems fine.
- Comment on Steam keeps on winning 1 year ago:
Absolutely. I have not pirated a single game since I got steam. Before that it was almost exclusively pirated games. no shops close by, and buying on mail order took FOREVER! and was very much hit or miss… And impossible to return.
I did buy most of the games that i enjoyed, and played a lot. Since i wanted the box on the shelf. but i still played the pirated version. since that was much easier then puling out the book and look at the 5th word on the 3rd paragraph on page 121 for the copy protection. :) - Comment on Steam keeps on winning 1 year ago:
having a company that is not actively trying to exploit us is surprisingly refreshing.
- Comment on Steam keeps on winning 1 year ago:
do not give them good ideas. I need steam to have all games since it is the only one with any good linux support. it does not matter if EGS have free games if i can not play them.
- Comment on What's up with Epic Games? 1 year ago:
for sure! steam liberated my machine from a windows dual boot partition. and made me go 100% linux all the time. gratitude is not really strong enough. it is more like when you have been captured, and then set free.
- Comment on xkcd #2866: Snow 1 year ago:
I am always impressed by how randall can show a lot of detail in very VERY simple shapes. Eg the head rotation in this case.
- Comment on Back in my day 1 year ago:
so true.
my uncle had a tv. and 2 movies on vcr. I saw “Smokey and the bandit” more then a hundred times. and “the sting” 30-40 times… - Comment on Windows PCs can't sleep properly, and Microsoft wants it that way 1 year ago:
Had the nic set to that. Any package on the network. Did not matter who it was for. If the nic saw it, it would wake the machine up.
- Comment on The problem is I'm not sure which I'm supposed to do right now. 1 year ago:
Does it really end? I fear my sleep patterns are irrevokably fucked. And i will never have another good night’s sleep.
- Comment on Microsoft expected to finally buy Activision Blizzard next week 1 year ago:
Factorio and rimworld have kept me entertained several thousand houers each. Hands down the best value for money on steam. Even beat out free to play games ;)
- Comment on Cat accused of wiping US Veteran Affairs server info after jumping on keyboard 1 year ago:
Why you should write rm /path/to/dir -rf ; and not rm -rf /[cat jumps here]
- Comment on The loss of dark skies is so painful, astronomers coined a new term for it 1 year ago:
Should never have gotten down from the trees
- Comment on Apple forced to ditch iPhone lightning charger 1 year ago:
They saw the the writing on the wall, and turned colours as soon as they saw they were fighiting a loosing battle.
- Comment on OpenAI confirms that AI writing detectors don’t work 1 year ago:
Ignoring the huge privacy/liabillity issue… there are other llm’s then chatgpt.
- Comment on Google gets its way, bakes a user-tracking ad platform directly into Chrome 1 year ago:
If mozilla gets msrket share, google will defund them. That mozilla have a money will help.
Also mozilla’s other projects are also good ;)