I bet we could even bully the president into quitting if we tried.
Fuck that got me. Lmfao
I always expect them to be good, but this one was definitely done well
Submitted 7 months ago by OldManBOMBIN@lemmy.world to [deleted]
I bet we could even bully the president into quitting if we tried.
Fuck that got me. Lmfao
I always expect them to be good, but this one was definitely done well
lol, thanks! Glad I made you chuckle
I’m sorry, maybe I’m old fashioned, but that’s not how you do meme letters. Why is everything (including slowpoke) glowing?
Its a slowpoke meme; they’re clearly stuck back when bloom effects were the hottest new shit.
Listen, I was around back in the days of this meme (and the others with this background - the advice wolves, the overly attached girlfriend, etc.), and they used standard meme protocol - Impact, white with black outline. The bloom effect is straight up comic sans, not srs meme stature!!
I’m not actually mad, I’m just playing. It was just strange to see the non-standard and it threw me off.
I agree, but I didn’t feel like firing up gimp so I just googled slowpoke meme and used a generator
And it bankrupt them in the process 🪿
They should have corrected the anorexic Robotnik.
I agree. Eggman just isn’t Eggman if he’s under 450
Le reddit we did it doggos!
MrMcGasion@lemmy.world 7 months ago
Yeah, but can we get Sony to re-release Morbius in theaters one more time?
OldManBOMBIN@lemmy.world 7 months ago
I bet we can