Submitted 7 months ago by to [deleted]
Great game
Lmao that’s great
USD▼ -28.84 (-8.41%) today
July 19, 11:10 AM EDT · Market Open
I expected worse actually.
Damn it went up
It dropped 15% premarket and then went up a bit on open as regular folks tried to jump on the opportunity, a bunch of rich people made money and people like you and me are left holding the bag.
This type of shit is why I don’t actively trade (also the stress)
Why would you think “rich people made money”? They already hold the shares and would be trying to sell. It would be impossible to sell any large amount of shares after hours directly after a huge negative issue. If you could sell (say $1 million worth), it would be at a much lower price.
That’s probably why the price dropped. The market doesn’t actually react to news, it reacts to investors buying and selling. If the price went down that means people with lots of shares are trying to get out.
How do you guys have time to make memes
Why would it go down? They provided the proof of concept.
The lawsuits are going to bury them 7 months ago
The markets can’t open if crowdstrike takes them all down. Big brain move