- Comment on Biology Class 5 months ago:
This is also fake. Those are all incorrect.
- Comment on Horror Sign 5 months ago:
No, you will not “have to do it”. Either they can afford to pay a qualified person to do it, or they can’t. If they can’t afford a more expensive person, they definitely can’t afford to fire you. You are the cheap one.
Think about it: if they put themselves in this situation, they are going to end up cleaning it themselves. “Need money for rent and food”? If you have a crappy minimum wage job, you have the power. Literally no one above you wants to do your work. You can definitely tell them “no”.
- Comment on Horror Sign 5 months ago:
Reminder to anyone still working retail: if your job description isn’t “janitor”, you don’t need to clean that up. It’s a biohazard and they can pay more expensive people with better equipment to do it.
- Comment on Supermarkets in Spain are inflating olive oil prices, farmers claim 6 months ago:
You know Costco isn’t squeezing the olives themselves? There’s a lot of fake olive oil out there. They just blend in some vegetable oil or something.
- Comment on Supermarkets in Spain are inflating olive oil prices, farmers claim 6 months ago:
Um, 2 gallons for $16? That was probably fake or blended olive oil. That’s $2 a quart. No one is selling you the good stuff for that price.
- Comment on U.S. unveils sweeping sanctions targeting Russia's wartime economy 6 months ago:
Why are you talking about Angolan political parties? You’re not in the graduate seminar now. You have to actually explain the connections. “Largest unaligned economy”. That’s code for “no one else wants to trade with these guys”.
Americans are as nakedly hostile to an independent Cuba as the CCP is to an independent Taiwan.
No one in America outside of Cubans cares about Cuba policy, and they don’t want normalization. There’s no animosity outside of Miami.
- Comment on U.S. unveils sweeping sanctions targeting Russia's wartime economy 6 months ago:
You were right in the first half, but completely wrong in the second. Yeah, it’s possible to get rid of the embargo. As soon as the older Cubans pass away, it will be much easier electorally. People in the future will ask “why wasn’t it done earlier”; it’s because of single issue voters.
Cuba represents an alternative viable economic system
“Viable”? No. No one is afraid of the Cuban economy. Even the citizens of Venezuela have rejected Maduro, and they have a good view of the Cuban style economy.
Gaza and Libya don’t have economic systems anywhere close to Cuba. They are not even aligned politically. “They might not like the US at some point in their history” is not a political alignment.
- Comment on In Leaked Audio, Amazon Cloud CEO Says AI Will Soon Make Human Programmers a Thing of the Past 6 months ago:
Plus, as soon as the cars can drive themselves people will stop needing Uber in many cases.
No parking? Just tell your car to go park on a street 10 blocks away.
Drunk? Car drives itself while you sleep.
Going to the airport? Car drops you off and returns home. Car also picks you up when you are back.
This is combined with the fact that people will do more disgusting things in an Uber without the driver there. If you have ever driven for Uber, you know that 10% of people are trying to eat or drink in the car. They are going to spill and it’s going to end up like the back of a bus.
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
I think in one sense it can be good. Sometimes it is counterproductive to downvote someone from 1 to 0. I think this would prevent that, as the first downvote is probably the most important one.
But I agree that making any data public will allow everyone to be categorized easily. “This person dislikes this content and likes other content.”
Remember, you are giving this info to everyone. Mark Zuckerberg will be able to see what you like and dislike in all public votes.
- Comment on Video of Eric Schmidt blaming remote work for Google’s woes mysteriously vanishes 6 months ago:
Uh, that guy actually did steal literal IP. Uber was founded by an asshole who didn’t care about breaking the law.
six weeks before his resignation, Levandowski downloaded all these highly confidential files and proprietary design files
- Comment on Video of Eric Schmidt blaming remote work for Google’s woes mysteriously vanishes 6 months ago:
It happens all the time. Almost everyone who starts a new tech company has worked in a different one.
- Comment on Video of Eric Schmidt blaming remote work for Google’s woes mysteriously vanishes 6 months ago:
In California it’s totally fine. That’s why there’s so many tech startups there. It’s not taxes.
- Comment on Video of Eric Schmidt blaming remote work for Google’s woes mysteriously vanishes 6 months ago:
That’s not really how IP works. Just because you think of something while eating a sandwich that Google paid for, that doesn’t mean they own it. Your brain is not “company resources”. The sandwich was not necessary for the brainstorm.
It’s smarter to think up good ideas away from the office, but it’s completely legal to take knowledge and experience with you when you leave the company.
- Comment on Video of Eric Schmidt blaming remote work for Google’s woes mysteriously vanishes 6 months ago:
It saved him like several hundred per month.
If you live within biking distance of Google, you are spending a ton of money on rent. Work from home is way cheaper, especially since you can just live somewhere with sub-million houses.
- Comment on I know Mormons can't have alcohol, but couldn't they just dip their tongue in a glass of beer and not move it? 6 months ago:
- Comment on I know Mormons can't have alcohol, but couldn't they just dip their tongue in a glass of beer and not move it? 6 months ago:
Yeah, just like how black people were bad and the “children of Ham” or whatever. After the Civil Rights Movement, Morman God mysteriously changed his mind and said “black people are ok now”.
- Comment on Peeble streamer on Doop 6 months ago:
You can do anything at… Zombo com.
- Comment on Random text message 6 months ago:
Ehh, maybe. Many people are trying as hard as they can, sometimes with undiagnosed mental issues. “Act like an adult” is only good advice if you are just lazy.
Maybe “move to a cheaper area so you can afford a house” is better advice.
- Comment on Iran says it has duty to punish Israel over killing of Hamas leader in Tehran 6 months ago:
This is for domestic consumption. Like the “drone attack” they launched that was telegraphed ahead of time. They are just trying to look tough to Iranian voters
With the sanctions, the Ayatollahs need to distract the average Iranian from everyday issues. I predict another “attack” on Israel that barely damages anything.
Neither country wants an expensive war. That’s why Israel was very precise when it killed Hamas’s leader. The message is, “We dislike this particular group. If you support them less, we will not attack you.”
- Comment on How did orthopaedists started to use plate and screws to fix broken bones ? 6 months ago:
The first surgeons worked on cadavers like Dr. Frankenstein. They were equally as reviled.
- Comment on Far-right thugs throw rocks at Filipino NHS nurses on way to work 6 months ago:
They learned their lesson during the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution
How long do you think rich people live?
- Comment on AI trained on AI garbage spits out AI garbage. 7 months ago:
It’s not just a predictive text program. That’s been around for decades. That’s a common misconception.
As I understand it, it uses statistics from the whole text to create new text. It would be very rare to output “cats have feathers” because that phrase doesn’t ever appear in the training data. Both words “have feathers” never follow “cats”.
- Comment on AI trained on AI garbage spits out AI garbage. 7 months ago:
Then these models are stupid. Humans don’t start as a blank slate. They have an inherent aptitude for language and communication. These models should start out with basics of language, so they don’t have to learn it from the ground up. That’s the next step. Right now they’re just well read idiots.
- Comment on AI trained on AI garbage spits out AI garbage. 7 months ago:
provenance requires some way to filter the internet into human-generated and AI-generated content, which hasn’t been cracked yet
It doesn’t need to be filtered into human / AI content. It needs to be filtered into good (true) / bad (false) content. Or a “truth score” for each.
We don’t teach children to read by just handing them random tweets. We give them books that are made specifically for children. Our filtering mechanism for good / bad content is very robust for humans. Why can’t AI just read every piece of “classic literature”, famous speeches, popular books, good TV and movie scripts, etc?
- Comment on Cloudstrike's stock price waiting for the markets to open 7 months ago:
You are using big words to try to sound smart, without understanding the specific details of the situation. There’s more than one group of “rich people” trading in the early market. Some are buying and others are selling. They are just moving money back and forth within the same “class” (as you understand it).
The other guy is wrong because in a situation like this there are very few buyers in the early market. He focuses only on the “rich” buyers and ignores the larger group of “rich” sellers trying to get rid of their shares. It’s much more likely that most “rich” sellers waited until the market opened because they didn’t want to sell while it was thinly traded.
So if you care about “classes”, the “rich” generally lost money because the company they already own went down in value. Maybe a few people bought at the bottom and sold when it went higher, but that was neither a large percent of “rich” investors nor a guaranteed return.
I’m explaining it to you because the other comment has a low level understanding of the specifics, while you admit you don’t understand. It’s more dangerous to think you understand something than to know your limits. I can trade in early / late markets but don’t because they have no one else there. The market has few other participants and that makes it too choppy.
- Comment on Microsoft Says Bye-Bye DEI, Joins Growing List Of Corporations Dismantling Diversity Teams 7 months ago:
They don’t care about policy, they care about tax cuts. Rich Republicans do not care about social issues. Their judges won’t care about one side or the other.
- Comment on Microsoft Says Bye-Bye DEI, Joins Growing List Of Corporations Dismantling Diversity Teams 7 months ago:
Lol. Lawsuits are part of America. There’s no way to get rid of them. That’s how minor issues are adjudicated in America.
- Comment on Microsoft Says Bye-Bye DEI, Joins Growing List Of Corporations Dismantling Diversity Teams 7 months ago:
Their main function was to avoid lawsuits, like the rest of HR. I feel like these companies forgot that they were all sued because they discriminated against women and non-white applicants and employees. This is just going to make it easier to prove discrimination in court.
- Comment on Cloudstrike's stock price waiting for the markets to open 7 months ago:
Why would you think “rich people made money”? They already hold the shares and would be trying to sell. It would be impossible to sell any large amount of shares after hours directly after a huge negative issue. If you could sell (say $1 million worth), it would be at a much lower price.
That’s probably why the price dropped. The market doesn’t actually react to news, it reacts to investors buying and selling. If the price went down that means people with lots of shares are trying to get out.
- Comment on California Grid Breezes Through Heat Wave due to Renewables, Batteries 7 months ago:
Many places on Earth are hurricane proof. They’re mostly in the South Pacific where the US military built most of the infrastructure.
Have you ever heard of Guam being fucked up by a hurricane? No, because all the buildings are concrete blocks. They just close the storm shutters. Here’s a Cat 4 that directly hit the island with no deaths and no significant injuries: