This was my very first 3D print on an Anycubic Photon D2. Turned out much better than I expected
The downward spiking hair is incredibly impressive. Good job on your first print!
Submitted 7 months ago by to
This was my very first 3D print on an Anycubic Photon D2. Turned out much better than I expected
The downward spiking hair is incredibly impressive. Good job on your first print!
Thank you! I was super happy with it. Was recommended by the model author to print on its back, probably wouldn’t have come out as good otherwise.
Ok, I was trying to figure out the print orientation for this guy. Yeah, the way the object is placed on the print plate is SUPER important, if you’re new to 3d printing I’d suggest checking out a few videos on print orientation and how it effects the quality and strength of your prints. Not only would this not have looked as good if printed right side up, it probably would’ve failed entirely
Pretty impressive that the buster sword isn’t causing him to fall over.
He does fall over sometimes. I probably should have printed it in a different orientation, but oh well.
This print are sick
Did the sword need supports or was it printed detached? Looks awesome!
Surprisingly the sword had zero supports. I printed it on its back. So if I turn it around, you’ll see a bunch of knots in it from where the supports were at.
Watch out for those pointy bits! 7 months ago
That’s awesome! It’s really cool seeing low poly models realized. 7 months ago
Thanks! Now I just have to paint it