How much is 25 lbs. of fuel savings worth to you? How much is it worth to Boeing?
How much is 25 lbs. of fuel savings worth to you? How much is it worth to Boeing?
United Airlines switched to lighter paper for in-flight use to save 11lbs source
From that article:
“With United Airline’s 4,500 daily departures, it made sense to cut 1 oz. from its in-flight magazine, and switch to a lighter paper (weighing 6.85 oz.) instead. What this means in a larger scale, says the Times, is that the airline is saving 170,000 gallons of fuel a year which amounts to $290,000 in annual fuel costs.” 6 months ago
It looks like this material is being used for interior components, not load/stress bearing structures:
So things like the interior plastic “wall” you can touch when you’re sitting in the window seat. It sounds like a good use for this material if it is otherwise scrap, and has better characteristics than the virgin materials they’re using today for these parts.