IDK about final but Framework has a pretty strong possibility of being my next laptop.
Is this really the final laptop you will need this guy is claiming? it is completely customizable.
Submitted 9 months ago by to
Comments 9 months ago 9 months ago
Anyone got this information not in a video? 9 months ago
Doesn’t work for me since the next machine I buy needs to be waterproof. But good on them! 9 months ago
Why do you need a waterproof laptop? (I’m just curious) 9 months ago
Oh these guys. I love their idea but I’m with you on the water resistance.
I’ve been tempted to get one as an alternative Linux laptop to my MacBook. 9 months ago
That’s the Framework logo. People have been talking about them a bit on here, as they’re relatively-modular, as laptops go.
I like the general idea, but they don’t really make the things that I care about modular. They let you:
Pick a keyboard layout. Okay, but this is basically available for other laptops. I’m just gonna get their US layout.
Pick little blocks that provide ports, like Ethernet or USB-A or DisplayPort or USB-C or audio. That’s not bad, but I’m broadly okay with the ports on a laptop today. It might be slightly nicer to pick exactly where they are or have another USB-C port, but for my needs, not s big issue.
Discrete video or no. That’s also fine, but a lot of vendors provide this option.
If one chooses a smaller keyboard on a larger laptop, spacers, which can be an LED array. That’s pretty unique, but I don’t know what I’d use it for.
There also isn’t soldered-on memory or such, which is nice in terms of not paying a premium, but then, you’re also paying a premium for the laptop in the first place.
I’d like more battery size and a Synaptics (mechanical buttons) touchpad. But those aren’t options that they make modular. 9 months ago
The difference being you can easily replace/upgrade any of those parts on a Framework laptop… 9 months ago
Discrete video or no. That’s also fine, but a lot of vendors provide this option.
Yeah, but not as a user-serviceable module that can be replaced with minimal effort. I think you're grossly oversimplifying this point. 9 months ago
Alright, other vendor provide an option to have or not to have discrete GPU. Can you change it once a better GPU is available? Can other laptop vendor swap out their display with a touch capable one when needed? (As of now, framework doesn’t have a touchscreen available yet, but IIRC, their board has the capabilities, but then again, their board is so modular that they can offer upgrade for trade-in). Can other vendor have bigger battery when you wanted the bigger battery without affecting other hardware choices? Framework batteries in the 13 series are improved purely by better chemistry. You can replace it with the bigger capacity one. 9 months ago
Yea, the difference between my laptop today and an equivalent one 5 years ago is dramatic (both X series Lenovo’s) . The construction alone is completely different. The new one is slimmer, lighter, while dissipating more heat, and they’re the same brand and line. And let’s not talk about the difference from my 2008 Lenovo X.
This thing is no more my last laptop as my previous Lenovo X.
- 9 months ago
Something not mentioned in the video.
A second Boeing whistle blower just abruptly died. 9 months ago
Upvote for Boeing diss, but probably not the right community. 9 months ago
I own the Framework Laptop 13 and 16. I can answer any questions you have. 9 months ago
Forbes isn’t great but their overall philosophy means it should last at least 10 years if you take care of it. I have an acre c720 with Debian that still kinda works 9 months ago
That’s not really saying much if that’s all their shooting for. My last two desktops lasted 12+ years and just turned into severs afterwards. My 2013 MBP just got replaced as my daily driver last year and still works as a backup in a pinch. I use a Toshiba Haswell Intel laptop from 2013 as a dev kubernetes cluster. Unless you’re doing something wrong or need to be cutting edge, you should easily get 10yrs out of it. I want to know if I can get 20-30 out of this framework laptop, in theory I’d be possible with replacement parts and such. If framework is in business that long at last. 9 months ago
Young entrepreneurs are cool. They’re interesting, enthusiastic, and genuinely want to make things better. They haven’t started enshittifying their product just because they’re greedy assholes. Remember when Google’s motto was “don’t be evil”? 9 months ago
No, they aren’t. Most of them represent the exact same mentality that leads to enshittification - profit at all cost. 9 months ago
That “most” is key. We can’t tell how they’re going to act long term. It’s nice to see someone who’s excited about their product, simply because they believe it’s good. Currently, they’re trying to be customer focused, which is a major plus.
It’ll be interesting to check in on these folks in ten or twenty years. They might turn out to suck, just like you say. However, maybe they won’t turn out like most companies, and will stick to the core principles they had when they started. Maybe they’ll become a major ally of the right to repair movement, and become an example for other companies to follow.
Our economic system isn’t undergoing major changes anytime soon. I want to see what someone who’s grown up with enshittification and planned obsolescence does. That’s what makes things cool and interesting. 9 months ago
Just why do people on Lemmy need to turn every unrelated post into some anti-capitalist rant? 9 months ago
because it is filled with far left 9 months ago
I own both a 13 and 16 inch. Absolutely love them, especially the 16 inch. 9 months ago
Yeah but what about the laptop? 9 months ago
uhh pause? 9 months ago
What do you mean? 9 months ago
I have repaired a lot of laptops in the past. The repairability depends on the price and the brand. But most of them are repairable. The issue is often first finding the part number and the correct part on the right website. With some luck the manufacturer has a manual available for finding part numbers and repair steps, Dell used to have this. But most of the time YouTube is where you end up. And I have had to send parts back because it turned out I had the wrong part for Acer aspire 249 xuzi4s-90_eu instead of Acer aspire 249 xiay4-90-uk or whatever. What makes the framework laptops stand out is the ease of the repair process. Finding the right part number and part online and the guide to actually repair the laptop and the actual replacing is also easy. It’s also possible to send them the broken part back for recycling, how they to that I haven’t looked into yet. The i/o is nice the fact that you can change and decide later to add more ports For the average user this is not the big sell feature. It’s the fact that you can save money and still have your device, have minimal downtime. I compared laptops of the same specs or very close to. The added price is between 100 and 200 euros. You’ll be happy you spent that extra when your laptop eventually had a hardware malfunction. Or can use an upgrade. 9 months ago
The entire framework thing is not a good value because it costs like ~2000 dollars for a laptop. People are acting like the timeline for use on these things is infinity. It’s not. I have on two occasions went and bought an i3 and Celeron laptop for 100 dollars each. Both of these machines do what I need. Both play emulators, both play videos. I just want to know which use case a 2000 dollar laptop that is modular fits? I feel like this is astroturfing. The laptops have m1 expansion as well. Help me out here. Why is a framework worth 20 cheap and reliable laptops? Inb4 sustainability, you would still be trashing the old parts after upgrading, right? I feel like workstations have so much more value if we are talking about modularity and power. I guess, if this is your one computer to rule them all you might be able to justify the expense, but why not buy a workstation for like 1000 bucks, a 200 dollar laptop, and pocket the leftover 800 buckeroos? 9 months ago
The framework 13 is around a grand pre built and around 900 if you have a spare SSD and SODIMM modules laying around.
I feel like an i3 or Celeron is not really a fair comparison. The framework machines are quite powerful and they’re targeting the prosumer/workstation market.
In the case of sustainability you do not have to trash the parts on upgrade. Framework sells cases to repurpose the main board as a PC/server. You could also buy a shell and create a second laptop. When it comes to throwing out parts on repair or upgrade you are throwing out less overall.
It’s also a fairly new company so between that and the market they’re targeting the products are fairly expensive. Further down the line they could become much more affordable as the company scales. But yeah it does not sound like Framework laptops are a good fit for you right now. 9 months ago
Dont the upgrades cost close to a new laptop though? And what are you supposed to do with the old parts? 9 months ago
They sell cases to make a small desktop/media center, you can resell them for people that need that or weaker laptop is fine. Or you can recycle. 9 months ago
That looks good, but I’ve not seen much about replacing the screen with one ready for using a Stylus and taking notes at class, do they not sell those? 9 months ago
It's the final laptop in the same way that Theseus's boat was the last one he ever bought. You can replace bits piecemeal, but at some point you'll end up with enough leftovers for a whole new laptop.
That said, I have an Intel one and it's a fantastic laptop. Also, not only are the motherboards capable of running on their own outside the laptop, but they've partnered with Cooler Master to make little cases for them so you can turn old mobos into mini PCs. 9 months ago
Hardware manufacturers hate this trick to multiply devices. 9 months ago
Should’ve named the company Theseus.