The frickin' bees as a species aren't dying out. Wild bees are because they get pushed aside by cultivated ones, for fuck's sake. Stop trying to solve problems that aren't there and start solving the real ones.
See ya next sun eruption
Submitted 10 months ago by to
Comments 10 months ago 10 months ago
arent wild bees dying a problem? cultivation is not the only reason bees dying is an issue. 10 months ago
no, a bunch of “bee activists” concerned the bees are dying run massive “save the bees” campaigns, that just end is more honey bees, ironically most people hate wild bees because they look like wasps, this is literally one of those issues where public attention has backfired 10 months ago
Wild bees are because they get pushed aside by cultivated ones, for fuck’s sake.
This is the weirdest take I’ve ever seen on colony collapse disorder. I get that its cause is an unsolved problem so people are apt to wildly speculate about the answer, but “caused by other bees” is a new one on me. 10 months ago
What? Like... what?
I'm not in the slightest talking about that. Not ever. I'm talking about population numbers. While several wild bees are in danger of extinction, the honey bee is everything but. Yet still people get honey bees to "save the bees" which is not what this is about. The honey bees are taking the wild bees' place in many ecological systems, pushing the wild ones out.Here is one source, my sources are mostly in German, but this one sums it up in English: 10 months ago
it really is ironic that you be getting downvotes for speaking the truth, so many people don’t even know the actual issue 10 months ago
Stickbugged again! 10 months ago
Humanity is God’s wet fart. 10 months ago 10 months ago
For fucks sake just use all the time and resources for mega yachts and put it into to fixing the bee issue 10 months ago
No no, let’s just see how this flower handjob machine plays out first. 10 months ago
fixing the issue like bee robots? how do ychats enter the equation? 10 months ago
Instead of humans (a handful) spending a trillion dollars on something obscenely luxurious and unnecessary, use that trillion dollars for something necessary - research and figure out how to save the bees