- Comment on Helicopter Carrying Iran’s President Has Crashed, State Media Reports 9 months ago:
I’m not sure what you mean, but the Iranian President is a powerless figurehead. I’m very skeptical there’s any hidden story here, because if nothing else, he’s a particularly low-value target. It would be like there being a hidden story behind a government janitor being in a crash.
- Comment on CNN 9 months ago:
Now do the (wholly fabricated, and known so by all using it) Steel Dossier and boy Biden being paid $50k/mo by Ukraine operatives…
- There is no Steel Dossier. I will assume you typoed Steele.
- Mr Steele reportedly said he had been interviewed by Mr Mueller’s team for two days but was “surprised that very little of what I had discussed with them appeared in the final report.” In fact, I can find no evidence that the “all” you refer to as using the Steele Dossier exist - no one appears to be “using it” for anything.
- “boy Biden” is an ambiguous term. I will assume “boy” means “Hunter”.
- The only connection I can find between Hunter and the number “50,000” or thereabouts is that that is the rounded value of how much Hunter Biden was paying $49,910 every three months for office space in D.C.
- “Ukraine operatives” is also ambiguous, and I’m not sure what to do with it. It is absolutely easily-confirmed public knowledge that Hunter made money from Burisma - about 11 million in 6 years, or ballpark 153k per month. Is there something there you want to delve into?
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
“The men are experiencing Ladies Lounge, their experience of rejection is the artwork,” she said.
The purpose is for men to suffer and be upset. That’s what this of art is, really - human suffering for its own sake. It’s quintessential trolling, which the artist has been quite open about.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
That is the artist’s explicitly intended point.
- Comment on Mona: Australia women's-only museum files appeal to keep men out 9 months ago:
You’re applauding a troll for trolling successfully?
- Comment on London protesters block transfer of asylum seekers to Bibby Stockholm 10 months ago:
For anyone else confused, since I didn’t see the article explain it anywhere: the Bibby Stockholm is an enormous housebarge, and the plan was to take the seekers there to house them there (rather than to use the boat for deportation).
- Comment on See ya next sun eruption 10 months ago:
While several wild bees are in danger of extinction, the honey bee is everything but.
I thought domesticated honeybees were in extreme peril due to CCD. This is the first time in years I’ve seen any kind of source claiming they’re doing ok. That’s relatively good news, that at least some bees aren’t about to vanish and so humanity has a nonzero chance at survival.
- Comment on See ya next sun eruption 10 months ago:
Wild bees are because they get pushed aside by cultivated ones, for fuck’s sake.
This is the weirdest take I’ve ever seen on colony collapse disorder. I get that its cause is an unsolved problem so people are apt to wildly speculate about the answer, but “caused by other bees” is a new one on me.
- Comment on Razer made a million dollars selling a mask with RGB, and the FTC is not pleased 10 months ago:
The penalty was only $100,000, which is so small you can count on Razer pulling a similar stunt in the future, so no worries, you’ll get more fraudulently labelled cyberpunk gear.
- Comment on Australian prime minister labels Elon Musk ‘an arrogant billionaire who thinks he is above the law’ 10 months ago:
Heh, you’re already attracting the same downvotes I did when I said the same thing.
Lemmy, there’s enough room here for Elon Musk to be an absolute tool and for Australia to be an absolute douchebag, both at once.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I have no idea, I’m just trying to guess how a vegan meme could be interpreted politically.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Did you post a meme about cow farts contributing to climate change or something?
- Comment on Former Yakima police officer arrested for raping sleeping 16-year-old 10 months ago:
It gets worse - he had two children with his ex-wife, one of whom watched him murder her.
- Comment on North Korea is evading sanctions by animating Max and Amazon shows 10 months ago:
Why would they do that instead of pirating it?
I realize you’re from Hexbear and hence incapable of rational thought, but you could still pretend to read the article before commenting.
- Comment on Army J6 Whistleblower Testifies That Pentagon Delayed National Guard Reaching Capitol 10 months ago:
No children should be protected from criminals.
Woa, I zoomed out to see the thread and now you’re defending pedophiles? Jesus christ, you’re a dumpster fire.
- Comment on Army J6 Whistleblower Testifies That Pentagon Delayed National Guard Reaching Capitol 10 months ago:
So you understood me this time? It wasn’t gibberish?
- Comment on Army J6 Whistleblower Testifies That Pentagon Delayed National Guard Reaching Capitol 10 months ago:
You’re saying my use of grammar and language confused you? I’m not sure how, I’m fluent in English.
Let’s go with one statement I made, since shorter statements should be less gibberish-prone.
Trump separated children from their parents, producing artificial orphans.
What part of that is gibberish?
- Comment on Army J6 Whistleblower Testifies That Pentagon Delayed National Guard Reaching Capitol 10 months ago:
What about it didn’t make sense?
- Comment on Army J6 Whistleblower Testifies That Pentagon Delayed National Guard Reaching Capitol 10 months ago:
Which one? Because you like fascism? Or rape? Or hurting children? All three?
- Comment on Army J6 Whistleblower Testifies That Pentagon Delayed National Guard Reaching Capitol 10 months ago:
Trump is the pro-fascism candidate, as he has openly admitted. Mind you, if he didn’t lose you back when he openly came out as pro-rape, it’s no surprise nothing else he does or says is capable of losing your support. Dude is both incompetence and malice incarnate at the same time, doing the most evil shit imaginable like separating children from their parents and then losing the paperwork. If you’re still voting for him, you’ve committed to hurting your fellow Americans (and yourself) as much as possible. How does one reason with a person like that? You openly desire my suffering. That’s really challenging to overcome.
- Comment on Whistleblower urges Boeing to ground all 787 Dreamliners after safety warning 10 months ago:
If you were a Boeing whistleblower, I salute you for your service. 🫡
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
8 ounces to a cup, 2 cups to a pint, 2 pints to a quart, 4 quarts to a gallon.
- Comment on if anyone has answers pls reach out 10 months ago:
This is Lemmy, we don’t do “informed”. Count yourself lucky if anyone in the comments even read the thread’s post.
- Comment on Mona: Court rules women’s-only exhibit must allow male visitors 10 months ago:
There is. Arizona has slavery without having people own people - you’re completely failing to address the horrors of compulsory labor.
- Comment on Mona: Court rules women’s-only exhibit must allow male visitors 10 months ago:
How do you ban such a cafe while also banning slavery? How do you draw a line between permissible and impermissible compulsory labor when you’re drafting your Constitution to reign in future politicians?
- Comment on Tickle v Giggle: transgender woman sues female-only ‘online refuge’ for alleged discrimination in landmark case 10 months ago:
I don’t understand Austealian law either, but I would imagine all.of these are relevant:
- Giggle was shut down in 2022, so there is no way to remedy Tickle having access to the app - in effect, Tickle currently e joya the same access as the rest of the world, which is none.
- Giggle was a wholly private entity. This is where it becomes relevant that e.g. Tickle is legally female - presumably there are some legal guardrails in place against Giggle being forced to care what her legal gender is.
- The law referenced in the article makes all forms of gender discrimination illegal, so just like in line 2, that makes Tickle’s legal gender irrelevant - the only law the article mentions would, if applicable, ban Giggle from banning men, let alone women it claims are men.
- Comment on United Scams of Assholes 10 months ago:
Basically yes.
- Comment on Girl, 10, ‘left inoperable’ after planned NHS surgery cancelled seven times 11 months ago:
“We do know that rescheduling elective procedures can be very upsetting for our patients and their families. We apologise sincerely to those who have been affected, especially those who have been rescheduled a number of times.
“We have been open and honest about the significant pressures being experienced across our entire healthcare system and their negative impact on elective procedures and waiting times.”
Emphasis added by me. This is the health care provider trying to weasel out by claiming the medically necessary surgery wasn’t medically necessary in a way that will withstand legal scrutiny because they’re only implying their statement is relevant to its own context.
- Comment on Swiss police halt far-right activist Sellner's speech 11 months ago:
Says the fascist who wants to incarcerate all holders of opinions you disagree with.
- Comment on 58 graves are covered in Islamic graffiti including 'France is already Allah's', 'Submit to Allah' and 'Happy Ramadan, non-Muslims' at Dordogne cemetery 11 months ago:
Just earlier today I was arguing with a Lemming who strongly opposed freedom of religion. There are always folks like that, everywhere.