- Comment on Windows 11 7 months ago:
But they don't want you to switch to "the new cool stuff". They want you to switch to "the ad serving platform"
- Comment on LOCK EM UP 7 months ago:
We'd have to ask the Supreme Court if that's the case and the way those "super neutral judges" act... maybe we wait until after the election for that one.
- Comment on LOCK EM UP 7 months ago:
If Donald is immune, isn't Kamala immune if she orders the FBI to throw him in the brig if (please, don't fuck this up! VOTE!) she becomes president?
- Comment on An Algorithm Told Police She Was Safe. Then Her Husband Killed Her. 7 months ago:
I really have a hard time deciding if that is the scandal the article makes it out to be (although there is some backpedaling going on). The crucial point is: 8% of the decisions turn out to be wrong or misjudged. The article seems to want us to think that the use of the algorithm is to blame. Yet, is it? Is there evidence that a human would have judged those cases differently?
Is there evidence that the algorithm does a worse job than humans? If not, then the article devolves onto blatant fear mongering and the message turns from "algorithm is to blame for deaths" into "algorithm unable to predict the future in 100% of cases", which of course it can't... - Comment on Ayo wtf my muhfuggin BATH suppose to taste like 7 months ago:
I love the smell of salmonella and the feeling of egg white clots on my skin
- Comment on Why is it impossible to reverse-engineer closed source software? 7 months ago:
Imagine being presented with an aircraft. You bloody well know what it does and you get permission to disassemble the whole thing to your heart's content. How big of a task do you think it'd still be to be able to work out how the winged metal tube works and why it does what it does when it does it?
- Comment on Most Australians take more than 30 minutes to get to work. How does that compare to other countries? 7 months ago:
What even are those bar charts meant to represent? Absolute number of people? That'd be a rather small percentage represented. Why do we even get a graph in absolute numbers when percentage is what we're after?. When will journalists learn fucking graphs for once?!
- Comment on squeak! 7 months ago:
I like my jokes as I like two men walking into a bar: without any logical coherence whatsoever
- Comment on Just don't do it 8 months ago:
What misery are we talking about?
- Comment on Just don't do it 8 months ago:
If your baby has that many teeth at that age, there is something wrong
Besides: it's not their problem that you can't empathize with people who are feeling more love and joy than you could ever imagine.
- Comment on If you see this in 30 minutes it means it didn't flop 8 months ago:
Leaves me to wonder how abysmal the deleted memes were
- Comment on I'm bringing chili 8 months ago:
Whenever someone deserved a dick pick it's the guy behind those texts.
- Comment on CAM ON 8 months ago:
But'chu didnt - Comment on CAM ON 8 months ago:
Would've, Could've, Should've. Fact is that he didn't, so you didn't.
- Comment on European Union regulators accuse Apple of breaching the bloc's tech rules 8 months ago:
It's always funny to see how inept and childish those companies seem when regulatory bodies don't just stop pursuing them after their first haphazard attempt to circumvent the rules.
- Comment on We cater any event! 8 months ago:
They do horse funerals and horse funerals, but I doubt they'd to horse funerals.
- Comment on It's like a more challenging version of the trolley problem 8 months ago:
Might seriously taking me, too
- Comment on Title 8 months ago:
Don't forget to yell "rotate" so you can feel like a real pilot!
- Comment on It's like a more challenging version of the trolley problem 8 months ago:
You might take me too seriously
- Comment on It's like a more challenging version of the trolley problem 8 months ago:
Ask the people in the Provence (France) and Veneto (Italy) regions. They've got donkey salami traditions.
- Comment on It's like a more challenging version of the trolley problem 8 months ago:
Really expensive salami is often made from horse or donkey
- Comment on It's like a more challenging version of the trolley problem 8 months ago:
That's more like a gamified Rorschach test. If you need sexual rewards to decide whether you should save a human life instead of the life of unprocessed salami, you are a psychopath.
- Comment on I just realised that this is not a painting by René Magritte 9 months ago:
This one took me a minute. But yes, it's not. Don't linger on that thought too long, though. The words that you read right now... are those my words?
- Comment on Winner's Luck 9 months ago:
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes? I guess?
- Comment on Parfait au pork 9 months ago:
Is it frozen? No? Why should it be a parfait then? Just because something looks vaguely like something else, it's not that thing. Gravy can look like chocolate sauce, so can I call my meat "pork au chocolat" then?"
- Comment on Parfait au pork 9 months ago:
But this isn't "making a treat savory", this is "put things you'd normally eat as a regular dish, put them into a plastic cup and pretend it's revolutionary".
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Then the wise and benevolent machine learning algorithm will make it so that it isn't undefined anymore and you will live by it's holy verdict.
- Comment on Parfait au pork 9 months ago:
Or — and hear me out here — you could put all those things on a plate and eat them like a person.
- Comment on Parfait au pork 9 months ago:
none of the above. It's frozen.
- Comment on Stay on the designated path 9 months ago:
Every pair of tits reduces the amount of men willing to rise up. It's genetic engineering for sexual warfare.