And this is why Lemmy sucks.
Mods have a stick up their asses even further than Reddit mods do.
The apply rules in a petty zero-tolerance way.
Comment on When shitposting becomes constiposting 6 months ago
reason: Admitting to being a troll: “I’m an agent of chaos.”
Absolutely the limpest reason to temp ban someone from a shitposting community. From the context it was obviously an offhanded joke, not an actual admission of someone disrupting the community.
And this is why Lemmy sucks.
Mods have a stick up their asses even further than Reddit mods do.
The apply rules in a petty zero-tolerance way.
It’s just public, unlike reddit. There have been countless controversies over poor moderation on reddit. On lemmy everyone can see when someone is banned for bullshit reasons and call it out. Don’t mistake awareness for frequency
Excellent point. On reddit you’re just shadowbanned with no explanation.
Okay but you can always make your own shitposting community on your own instance with your own rules if you feel so strongly against the rules. That option simply was not available on R*ddit. The point of Lemmy isn’t that no one abuses their mod and admin powers ever, but that the system is set up so that you can just go to another Lemmy server, which simply was not available on R*ddit if you pissed off the site admins.
Although I personally find Lemmy users nicer and moderation better on average, their character is not the point. It is merely the result of an imperfect but better system than R*ddit.
The inevitable centralization of the fediverse means starting your own instance is not the cure all people pretend it is, even discounting the obvious technical difficulties of hosting one.
Okay but you can always make your own shitposting community on your own instance with your own rules if you feel so strongly against the rules. That option simply was not available on R*ddit.
That happened on reddit all the time, minus the instance part. Remember /r/freefolk?
That happened on reddit all the time, minus the instance part. Remember /r/freefolk?
The “instance part” is absolutely huge. If I wanted to, I could go start a /c/lemmyshitpost on SDF Lemmy [1] with a completely new set of rules [2], particularly a set of rules that possibly would violate’s TOS or possibly even the law in’s jurisdiction, but not SDF’s or their jurisdiction’s laws.
It’s not a big deal for the average user until the day you run afoul of the server admins.
[1] As of writing this, SDF does not have a /c/lemmyshitpost.
[2] I’m not interested in doing that lol, this is just a hypothetical. I’m annoyed at this most recent decision but nowhere near ready to leave over it.
Agreed. I think moderating comments needs to be banished. The community can self-moderate with voting.
Banning users is pointless. Accounts can be created very easily. With decentralized one doesn’t even need to go to the lengths one does with Reddit.
Moderating should be reserved for keeping a sub’s posts relevant to the group’s purpose and nothing else.
I think moderating comments needs to be banished.
Nah because then someone could just post (for example) medical gore in a “safe space” and it’ll just get downvoted but not removed.
It wasn’t gore, but do you remember the ThuleanPerspective (I think?) trolls from a little while back, spamming that racist photoshopped Simpsons comic by commenting it on literally everything? That effort was neutralized in the short term by deleting those comments on the spot, and then the users who posted them.
It is absolutely a useful tool, but like most useful tools it can be abused.
Mods being toxic? Some things never change.
Show me a good mod and I’ll show you an honest politician.
Have you ever modded any community? I’m not perfect, I’m a human being with a life and other responsibilities.
We’re just trying to keep this place civil enough so everyone can enjoy it. Sometimes that means taking action against people detracting from that.
From the context it was obviously an offhanded joke,
Ah so that’s the thread in question. Was wondering what post it was and honestly, I suspected that one of being rage bait.
The original image seemed like it was missing context so I figured OP was gonna come swinging in later against any comments saying it was extreme with the additional context.
The fuckin essays that generated. Jesus christ. We’re failures as shitposters when a shitpost generates that much drama.
We’re failures as shitposters when a shitpost generates that much drama
Hard disagree lol, I love when a shitpost actually gets people to debate about important things. So many people would just never think about that stuff otherwise.
That’s literally one of the main cores of shitpost culture, obviously trolling is just as foundational, but derailing or sparking discussion is another main ingredient of what makes a shitpost a shitpost.
In Internet culture, shitposting or trashposting is the act of using an online forum or social media page to post content that is of “aggressively, ironically, and trollishly poor quality”.Shitposts are generally intentionally designed to derail discussions or cause the biggest reaction with the least effort.
“Shitposting” is an Internet slang term describing a range of user misbehaviors and rhetoric on forums and message boards that are intended to derail a conversation off-topic, including thread jacking, circlejerking and non-commercial spamming.
: to post something online (such as a comment, video, or meme) that is deliberately absurd, provocative, or offensive
Urban Dictionary:
A post of little to no sincere insightful substance. Especially a “shit”(low)-effort/quality-post with the sole purpose to confuse, provoke, entertain or otherwise evoke an unproductive reaction. Often exemplified in surreal out-of-context posts.
Digital Cultures:
Shitposting is an internet slang expression, with several varying meanings, depending on the context.
It usually refers to the non-conforming behavior of users, or to the creation of off-topic posts and memes, that are way out of context and serve to push the conversation of its original path.
“Shitposts” are almost always low quality, with little to no concrete value and are mostly made for trolling others. 6 months ago
What they said was “I’m a shitlord” 6 months ago
It’s a shame that the thread got locked. It was getting heated, but IMO that’s a good sign that what you’re talking about actually needs to be debated. 6 months ago
Perhaps not, but saying “I am a shitlord” does. 6 months ago
The mods were actually very clear about it in the thread. Pinned comment. 6 months ago
imho not a good enough reason. But hey I’m not a mod. 6 months ago
That’s pretty funny actually.