Garbage collection services dislike when people throw their garbage in neighbor’s cans even when the neighbor is paying for the larger can (e.g. the disposal volume being used). This has led to some garbage distribution piracy alongside recycling collection crews.
In case you wanted some cyberpunk dystopia in your cyberpunk dystopia. 5 months ago
Which is absolutely ridiculous since you are paying for the water that you are sharing. 5 months ago
I know you know this but it bears saying explicitly: it’s because pretty much all laws are out there to enforce property first. Humanity is secondary. We all know implicitly that it’s not illegal to share your water because it’s unethical. It is illegal because making it illegal protects the water companies profits, humanity be damned. 5 months ago
it’s perfectly ethical, unless i’m stealing the water, they’re using the same water i’m using and that means i’m paying for it. It’s literally not a problem.
It might cut flat charges but, get fucked. 5 months ago
I think you misinterpreted, because you two are saying the same thing. It is ethical to share. Therefore, it has not been made illegal for being unethical (because it is ethical), it has been made illegal to protect profits. 5 months ago
How though? If you’re using extra water to share with your neighbor, and YOU still pay your water bill, they still get extra money for extra usage, right? It just comes from your wallet rather than your neighbors. 5 months ago
Because your sharing your water with them disincentivizes their paying their bill.
Extrapolating on this, if you could legally share your water with the neighborhood couldn’t an enterprising person with a zeriscaped yard sell his water to their thirsty lawned neighbor? That’s money the water company considers theirs 5 months ago
For sure. Even when it isn’t a law the same outcome happens when corporations get the police to enforce their policies.