Yes, and you are very correct.
It’s not really possible with our minds.
Much like with numbers, anything beyond small numbers/points our minds just turn into representative idea (a meme) which we tend to perceive on a logarithmic scale (like how people tend to think a thousand, a million, and a billion are apart by about the same-ih or only a bit differently). Thats even how our biosensory bits work, along with how we interpret/perceive information from them.
It’s great for achieving practical stuff, but it’s not real. 6 months ago
You’re nothing and nothing matters and that’s ok. It’s beautiful. 6 months ago
the scale is absurd for my monkey brain 6 months ago 6 months ago
Man, I think about that all the time. We aren’t even a drop in the bucket, not a blip in the history of the universe. To me that makes life immeasurably precious. 6 months ago
Spatially small =/= doesn’t matter. You can’t just jump from physical characteristics to values like that. What happened to being scientific? 6 months ago
We are stardust, we are golden We are billion year old carbon And we got to get ourselves back to the garden