- Comment on don't be a coward 3 months ago:
Maybe there’s a rock out there made, by complete chance, in such huge proportion of silicon that it becomes more viable, I don’t give a shit. It was just an aside anyway, pick another based on the same principle if you like. Why an obligate biped? Why this size? Why not a flying creature? Why not a rotationally-symetrical monstrosity? Why not an intelligent species that physically couldn’t really be engineers but happen to live on the same planet as creatures who can? Or who just get contacted by outside life that can? I’m a dipshit who mostly prefers pulp and cosmic horror (read: fantasy) science fiction, so I’m sure someone who knows more could come up with more and better prompts.
- Comment on don't be a coward 3 months ago:
I can’t help but notice that you didn’t list a whole lot of traits that would be considered vital to having a fairly human sillhouette. There’s nothing here about obligate bipedalism, for example, or having just two legs in the lower part of the body at all. There’s nothing here about how the forelimbs are articulated, and whether it would look meaningfully like hands or an array of dexterous tendrils or something. And all this gritty realist speculative biology seems out of place when most sci-fi is basically a particular sub-genre of fantasy anyway. Even being generous to the sci-fi writers, supposing the universe works in a fundamentally different way from how ours does (breaking laws of relativity and entropy, commonly), why can’t some ecosystems work out to stretch your imagination of what could be an advanced species? It all seems very narrowly prescriptivist, even beyond the fact that this is fiction to the point of taking negative liberties with the bounds of what is truly realistic.
- Comment on Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons 5 months ago:
That’s a limp deflection. Is it really so difficult to not go around mocking people for typing errors like a 13-year-old?
- Comment on Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons 5 months ago:
Go back to Reddit
- Comment on Hasbro CEO Says AI Will Become Core Part of Dungeons & Dragons 5 months ago:
Whatever problems you might have with low-effort digital art, the two are not remotely comparable.
- Comment on Russian missiles strike more than half of Ukraine's regions 6 months ago:
And fact is not subjective, opinion is, and you seem to lump them together
You say this about the comment in which I say:
In essence, it is a media consensus machine with some basic reading comprehension thrown in for people who can’t read English well enough to determine if a statement is, for example, an expression of the authors feelings or a statement on facts of the world.
Not to mention that “whether something is a fact or not” or, more commonly, “what is the most likely explanation for what we are seeing,” is typically not something you have practical access to, which is why you are reading about it, so what you are left with is not metaphysical truth, but testimony, which is very corruptible. I don’t just mean this as a hypothetical, I mean that most outlets engage in an aggressive battle over a small minority of mostly-social subjects while operating in complete or near-complete agreement on many important topics.
But even if we want to sidestep the issue of testimony mediating our access to metaphysical truth, there is still the question of which facts to include.
Low-hanging fruit:…/clinton-dnc-speech-harris-endorseme…
ctrl+f “epstein”: 0…
ctrl+f “epstein”: 0
Seems like it’s missing important information that it could at least mention in passing about the subject of the piece, but maybe that’s just me. I guess it’s all relative.
And it uses primary sources for information verification, and those tend to be major outlets purely due to their size.
Like I alluded to in mentioning “circular citation”, very often news organizations aren’t doing anything resembling original research in their articles. They are just publishing what other articles already said.
But you are still missing that this is question-begging the correctness of the media, even though they have over and over been shown to be quite willing to work together to push atrocity propaganda and all kinds of nonsense.
- Comment on Russian missiles strike more than half of Ukraine's regions 6 months ago:
I was simply making a joke about the idea that the Russian perspective should be thrown out and we should only listen to Western-Aligned sources because the latter were insisting in the wake of the blast that Russia blew up its own pipeline while Russia said that they obviously weren’t.
A better example might have been the prison full of Azovites that got rocketed, but I was going for something that I was sure anyone who gave a shit about Ukraine/Russia, even from a superficial culture war perspective, would be familiar with.
- Comment on Russian missiles strike more than half of Ukraine's regions 6 months ago:
Russia is objectively the nation who started the war,
The war began 8 years before Russia invaded, it’s just that Russia’s invasion is the only thing most countries cared/care about.
- Comment on Russian missiles strike more than half of Ukraine's regions 6 months ago:
I don’t know how to explain to you that perspective is a problem that can’t be escaped by using machines. It’s like using video in place of vision; yeah, there are obviously plenty of cases where it’s helpful for a specific task, but fundamentally you are going from using a human to using something made by humans. From what I can glean immediately, this thing gets its idea of the “truth” from what is published on major new sites, like PBS, NYT, and such. As a result, what it can “verify” from circular citation becomes what is “true.” In essence, it is a media consensus machine with some basic reading comprehension thrown in for people who can’t read English well enough to determine if a statement is, for example, an expression of the authors feelings or a statement on facts of the world.
- Comment on Russian missiles strike more than half of Ukraine's regions 6 months ago:
Who blew up that Nordstream pipeline?
- Comment on Russian missiles strike more than half of Ukraine's regions 6 months ago:
I actually agree with it in this case that excluding what Russia has said about this is silly at best, but Media Bias Fact Check-style websites aren’t actually free of bias, they are just question-begging a certain paradigm.
Like, if an article covering the US election only mentioned what Republicans have to say, that doesn’t mean the only other viewpoint it needs is what Democrats have to say; there is more to an issue than what the two most influential parties have to say, but to say that you need those two perspectives while not advocating for the Greens or, say, one of the communist parties, is already assuming many different positions on foreign intervention, environmental policy, and so on, where the two parties mostly agree.
Likewise, depending on where it is, there are various popular groups throughout Ukraine and Russia that might have a substantially different perspective that is closer to the truth.
- Comment on USA | Democrats Attacked a Muslim Woman for Protesting Biden’s Speech. She’s a Harris Delegate. 6 months ago:
Yes, I recall the speeches Biden has given where he rallies the crowd against the Palestinian scourge!
This is like gesturing at W’s lip service in speeches about how the War on Terror wasn’t a war on Muslims. Do I need to explain to you how history did not bear out that distinction?
The difference here is that we can see the people Biden is unconditionally supporting in Israel and they most certainly are rallying crowds against the Palestinian scourge.
- Comment on USA | Democrats Attacked a Muslim Woman for Protesting Biden’s Speech. She’s a Harris Delegate. 6 months ago:
You keep repeating this smug, Thatcherite “no connection to reality” line and I think it’s really not helping your case when you’re trying to appeal to “nuance”. I don’t think you have a very good idea of what leftists actually believe, or you’d have more to say about its substance.
- Comment on Peak Fantasy 6 months ago:
The map reminds me a little of the world in Hunter x Hunter. The viewer is initially shown a world map (a flat projection) that is basically the typical cluster of continents in a vaguely ring-like shape, but it is much later revealed that it’s not a map of the whole planet but just a fraction of the surface area, and all the inhabited continents are actually completely encircled by one giant super-continent labeled “The Dark Continent”, meaning every known ocean was just part of one super-continental lake called “Lake Mobius”.
p.s. watch/read hunter x hunter, it’s a cool manga
- Comment on Centipedes Don't Fuck 6 months ago:
They could have been fighting. Maybe there was a lack of available food or fluid.
- Comment on Golden age of English universities could be over, says head of watchdog 6 months ago:
I’m pretty sure that pandering to racists is what passes for a popular mandate there.
- Comment on perspective 6 months ago:
Spatially small =/= doesn’t matter. You can’t just jump from physical characteristics to values like that. What happened to being scientific?
- Comment on The U.S. Has Dozens of Secret Bases Across the Middle East. They Keep Getting Attacked. 6 months ago:
The intelligence agencies of the involved countries?
- Comment on Chicken vs Egg 9 months ago:
They know, but the person they originally responded to is making a faulty inference in the form of “pigs = mammals, mammals emerged at X date, pigs emerged at X date”. They aren’t properly recognizing that eggs are a distinct subset of unicellular organism (which I also think isn’t actually true of fertilized eggs) and you can’t infer from the set “unicellular organisms” having a trait that “eggs” has the same trait.
- Comment on Harvard’s Gaza encampment ends after administration agrees to meet 9 months ago:
That would require actually doing so, and they won’t now that the students gave up their leverage
- Comment on Existential trolley problem 9 months ago:
Isn’t there a version of this with like 5 intersecting thought experiments?
- Comment on China abducted its own citizens on EU territory, report finds 10 months ago:
The article is worthless, turns out, and looking at the report, it doesn’t really help because so many of its critical claims (i.e. actual, specific instances of collective punishment that weren’t countered by Chinese courts) just have citations to other reports by the same group. I’m just here to procrastinate on school work rather than read through a collective 500 pages of histrionics (seriously, the stylization of this whole thing is laughable).
- Comment on China abducted its own citizens on EU territory, report finds 10 months ago:
The link 404s for me, so I can’t really look at the details, but more information would be required to establish it as actually being criminal. Saying, and I’m just producing an arbitrary example, “Come here to attend a court case or you will be tried in abstentia (and therefore probably found guilty), which will result in fines that, if ignored, will be satisfied by asset forfeiture in the form of us seizing your shit” is consistent with your description of “asking under threat of harm” while also being an extremely normal thing for a country to do and not a crime.
- Comment on China abducted its own citizens on EU territory, report finds 10 months ago:
What list? The state sponsors religious celebrations, but surely you think they are Potemkin festivals. This sort of cold war bullshit is beneath any decent person.
- Comment on China abducted its own citizens on EU territory, report finds 10 months ago:
Your reading comprehension remains sorely lacking. The whole point is that it’s not newsworthy, but you can still collect information on it happening by looking up extradition statistics or w/e
- Comment on China abducted its own citizens on EU territory, report finds 10 months ago:
Your definition of abduction apparently includes persuading people to go somewhere, so I think there are many lacks in terms of definitions here.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
No, like, I get that he evidently didn’t understand it, but I find your question strange as it presupposes that she is “flexing” about a paper rather than complaining about how presumptuous some of her fellows can be.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
Why’s she flexing about a paper that a white male couldn’t understand?
- Comment on US lawmakers vote 50-0 to force sale of TikTok despite angry calls from users 11 months ago:
Vassalage is a term describing social position, not a moralism. Your indignation at this has no bearing on the fact and you sound just like the morons who say white privilege doesn’t exist because poor white people exist.
- Comment on US lawmakers vote 50-0 to force sale of TikTok despite angry calls from users 11 months ago:
Socialists should seek to be pro-social in all contexts