That’s, uh… That’s completely not true. I know lots of otherkin magic users. Magic tends to be more popular with otherkin than humans in my experience.
Comment on Science is Magic 6 months agoThe difference between magic and science is that magic is centered on humans. Both a magic universe and a scientific universe contain tools that humans can use to influence their environment, but a magical universe is for humans and about humans whereas a scientific universe is not even indifferent to humans.
I admit that it would be nice to have gods and even the very fabric of reality care about what I want… 6 months ago 6 months ago
What? 6 months ago
Translation: my acid was extra spicy today. 6 months ago
Everything I just said is contextualised by the manifesto at TL;DR: reality is fake and bad, support minorities. 6 months ago
Sorry, hon. The magical universe may SEEM to be centered around you, but you’re really just experiencing the side benefits of it being centered around me. 6 months ago
Shut up Harry Potter. 6 months ago
Don’t be ridiculous.…. 6 months ago
I think that’s actually a question that can be taken seriously. My answer would be that a Turing-complete universe with a mechanism for decreasing local entropy would be sufficient to make it possible (not necessarily likely) that some sort of computing entity would arise and comprehend something like the anthropic principle.