Reality is a social construct and is therefore limited by human imagination.
Comment on Science is Magic 6 months ago
As a matter of fact, reality is far more exciting than magic. Magic is limited by what our feeble human minds can dream up. Science has shown time and time again that reality is far more complex and far more interesting. 6 months ago 6 months ago
The difference between magic and science is that magic is centered on humans. Both a magic universe and a scientific universe contain tools that humans can use to influence their environment, but a magical universe is for humans and about humans whereas a scientific universe is not even indifferent to humans.
I admit that it would be nice to have gods and even the very fabric of reality care about what I want… 6 months ago
Sorry, hon. The magical universe may SEEM to be centered around you, but you’re really just experiencing the side benefits of it being centered around me. 6 months ago
Shut up Harry Potter. 6 months ago
Don’t be ridiculous.…. 6 months ago
That’s, uh… That’s completely not true. I know lots of otherkin magic users. Magic tends to be more popular with otherkin than humans in my experience. 6 months ago
What? 6 months ago
Translation: my acid was extra spicy today. 6 months ago
Everything I just said is contextualised by the manifesto at TL;DR: reality is fake and bad, support minorities.