Paul just watching his brother like :0
Comment on Sign of the times? 6 months ago
Makes me want to watch Taskmaster NZ again 6 months ago
Comment on Sign of the times? 6 months ago
Makes me want to watch Taskmaster NZ again
Paul just watching his brother like :0
😂 6 months ago
Ooooh how is NZ TV? I love myself a good bit of British TV including OG taskmaster. I tried the Australian one but as with most Australian shows I find them too “Americanised” with over-dramatic editing and sob stories. Is NZ a bit more natural and low-key in their shows? 6 months ago
I’m a huge fan of the original British TM, but TM New Zealand is honestly amazing. The whole thing is available on YouTube (thanks Little Alex Horne + team!!!).
In my and many of my friends’ opinion, TM New Zealand Series 2 is one of the best TM series. Ever. TM New Zealand is absolutely unhinged.
Series 1 feels a bit off, which is probably because it’s unlike British TM. One gets used to it fairly quick though.
TM NZ Series 1
TM NZ Series 2
TM NZ Series 3 (final episode releases on YouTube in 2-3 days) 6 months ago
I don’t see an official source for series 4. And, FYI, series 5 has started.
I love Series 2 and that the whole cast still gets together and posts pics online. But I also really loved both Josh “well alRIGHT!” Thomson and Chris “The Goose” Parker on series 3. 6 months ago
Yep! Series 4 hasn’t “released” on YouTube yet. I saw Paul William’s story on instagram that they’re releasing Series 5 on TV, but sadly I don’t have access to that. I’m fine being behind by 1-2 years though. 6 months ago
I only watch Taskmaster and a couple things that Taskmaster NZ contestants do (like Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont-Spelling Bee). That said, Taskmaster NZ is really good.
I’ve been a Taskmaster UK fan since episode 1 and I knew that Paul Williams (the NZ Taskmaster’s Assistant) is friends with folks like Rose Matifeo (who was in the music video for Surf Music) and James Acaster (who used Euroleague for music in his standup special Cold Lasagna Hate Myself 1999) so I gave it a shot and was very happy I did. I wasn’t as impressed with the Australian Taskmaster, but I only watched the first season/series.