paranoid linux sadgirl with imposter syndrome
- Comment on Why is lying on the floor more entertaining than lying on a bed? 6 hours ago:
me, who never cleans my floor: it would not be
- Comment on Henry Symeonis 5 days ago:
rip a legendary fart
- Comment on Still not enough room in the PDF 1 week ago:
Microsoft Word has entered the chat
- Comment on Researchers identify gene linked to origins of spoken language. 1 week ago:
bout to be some Mice of NIMH
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 2 weeks ago:
looking into it, seems like you’re actually right. looks like it runs best with a solid GPU. there may be other distributed computing projects better suited for abundant RAM.
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 2 weeks ago:
seems like the last update was 23 Jan 2025
- Comment on What can I actually do with 64 GB or RAM? 2 weeks ago:
Fold At Home!
You can essentially donate your processing power to various science projects that need it to compute protein folding simulations. I used to run it whenever I wasn’t actively using my PC. This does cost electricity and increase rate of wear and tear on the device, as with any sustained high computational load. But it’s cool! :]
- Comment on It's a skill 3 weeks ago:
Only 20 minutes!? You’re a great internet detective! Thanks so much! Bummer that it’s not some old obscure movie I can watch, but at least now it won’t bug me that I never found out
- Comment on What even is fire? 3 weeks ago:
this was wonderfully written!
- Comment on It's a skill 3 weeks ago:
no luck using TinEye and Google Images reverse search
- Comment on It's a skill 3 weeks ago:
sauce? looks like a cool goth movie
- Comment on AHHHHHHHHHHH 3 weeks ago:
I have heard of this mystical engineering technique called “looking it up in a table” by which one avoids copious amounts of math
- Comment on Keep them guessing 3 weeks ago:
some group of nerds in the future: “ok but this is rumored to be the MATHEMATICALLY BEST POSSIBLE parametric drawer organizer. If we can break the file encryption, humanity will become so effortlessly organized that we’ll shave centuries off of becoming a space-faring species.”
- Comment on AHHHHHHHHHHH 3 weeks ago:
I wish I could say I’m not an engineer but I become the de-facto engineer and IT technician at every place I work 🤦♀️
I’m also flattered though. :]
- Comment on AHHHHHHHHHHH 3 weeks ago:
just because i learned to do math doesn’t mean I’m not still afraid of it 😭
- Comment on i wish it was a cheesesteak 3 weeks ago:
ah yes ancient Philadelphia mummies
- Comment on Tutle 1 month ago:
- Comment on TURKEY POWER 2 months ago:
I thought this was going to be about how many turkeys you could cook directly using the reactor heat
my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
- Comment on CHONKUS 3 months ago:
one of my intern cohorts upon seeing a bunch of starch granules in an algal TEM: “are these cells kinda… fat?”
supervisor: basically yes
(makes sense as we cultured them under blazing 24/7 LED lights in rich growth media)
- Comment on Beer, I summon thee 3 months ago:
isn’t when you’re high exactly the time you’d want the fridge to come to you? lol
- Comment on Little dude ATP 3 months ago:
and it looks like a bell pepper!!!
- Comment on pump up the jamz 3 months ago:
hell yeah
- Comment on Chemistry 5 months ago:
I’ve gotten 2 skin burns from chemicals with a nitrile glove breakthrough time of <1 second
underfunded undergrad lab classes without heavy duty gloves shouldn’t be allowed to use fuming nitric acid >:(
- Comment on Chemistry 5 months ago:
I tried scrambling an egg using the vortexer (it didn’t work)
- Comment on Mornings 5 months ago:
I rarely arrived at the lab before 10am as an undergrad intern. (And usually stayed until 7–8pm because I goofed around too much and it took forever to get all the cells taken care of 🫠)
Flexible schedules are a luxury I miss dearly
- Comment on Mornings 5 months ago:
we used Macs at my last lab
I hated them because I’m a Linux nerd but at least they were reliable
(I suppose if my research PC ran Linux I’d spend all my time configuring it instead of researching…!)
- Comment on Boneless 5 months ago:
them motherfuckers down the street got 🅱️ones in they shit!
- Comment on Boneless 5 months ago:
ugh everyone knows that babies don’t always contain asbestos, just a lot of geological baby deposits are adjacent to asbestos and it contaminates the mined product
- Comment on Bread 5 months ago:
the… the bottle hack is for things like popcorn kernels that you can pour…
whoever closes a bread with the bottle hack is the true evil hiding in plain sight
- Comment on Why isn't everything mouldy? 5 months ago:
In addition to other reasons listed in replies, there’s a fair bit of bacteria that excrete antifungal compounds into their environment so that they can colonize it more effectively than the mold.
There are viruses that attack fungi, too.
Any environment that hasn’t been sterilized by some means is a constant microbial warzone between bacteria, fungi, algae, archea, viruses, etc. with the current winners being determined by how favorable the conditions (moisture, pH, toxin concentration, etc.) are to each species.