Security is the last thing NSA and Micro$oft care about. NSA wants to be sure they can do all they need to with your devices, and M$ just wants to discourage you from switching to linux.
Comment on Secure Boot is completely broken on 200+ models from 5 big device makers 7 months agoYes, surely randoms on Lemmy know better than Microsoft and the NSA in regards to security. 7 months ago 7 months ago
This is obviously insane 7 months ago
Lol, if you say so 7 months ago
Oh anyone who doesn’t trust Microsoft with their life is a complete idiot. And the NSA only illegally spied on everyone until Bush the II made it legal! So of course we should unquestioningly follow their configuration guides. I mean - haha - we don’t wanna get disappeared! Haha ha. Not. Not that that’s ever happened. That we know of. For sure. Probably. 7 months ago
in regards to security
in regards to security
in regards to security
Just wanted to make sure you saw it this time because you went off on a tangent there. 7 months ago
It doesn’t matter if they know about security (which they do). A burglar could know about locks and home security systems, would you take his advice?
Their positions on security of others is dismissed on grounds of trust not of competence. 7 months ago
The NSA has two jobs.
The first is to break into any computer or communications stream that they feel the need to for “national security needs”. A lot of leeway for bad behavior there, and yes, they’ve done, and almost certainly continue to do, bad things. Note that in theory that is only allowed for foreign targets, but they always seem to find ways around that.
The second, and less well known, job is to ensure that nobody but them can do that to US computers and communications streams. So if they say something will make your computer more secure, it’s probably true, with the important addition of “except from them”. 7 months ago
Literally, yes. There was even a TV show about it. 7 months ago
If they were an expert burglar, I might 7 months ago
Exactly, they have a clear conflict of interest 7 months ago
Hey what is that, some kinda tangent