- Comment on What’s the most overhyped tech trend right now? 5 months ago:
No worries. Still interesting!
- Comment on US grid adds batteries at 10x the rate of natural gas in first half of 2024 6 months ago:
Yeah, I think you’re right.
- Comment on US grid adds batteries at 10x the rate of natural gas in first half of 2024 6 months ago:
Ok. Have a nice day.
- Comment on US grid adds batteries at 10x the rate of natural gas in first half of 2024 6 months ago:
I have no idea what you are trying to say. Batteries have an environmental impact, but so does fracking for natural gas. You have the impact up front making a battery, but charging it with renewables does not have continued environmental impact. But if you use gas, you’re going to have to use an awful lot of it over that time period to offset the clean power you’re able to use when you have a battery. And that gas has a very high environmental impact.
I didn’t say batteries have NO impact, but they have less impact than continually mining and burning fossil fuels.
- Comment on US grid adds batteries at 10x the rate of natural gas in first half of 2024 6 months ago:
You make the batteries once, and the pollution due to production is spread over the 10-15 year lifetime of the battery. During that time gigawatt hours of clean power sloshes in and out of them. This in contrast to having to produce enough gas to make all of those gigawatt hours once, then throw the gas away as co2 and get more, along with the attendant pollution.
- Comment on Secure Boot is completely broken on 200+ models from 5 big device makers 7 months ago:
The NSA has two jobs.
The first is to break into any computer or communications stream that they feel the need to for “national security needs”. A lot of leeway for bad behavior there, and yes, they’ve done, and almost certainly continue to do, bad things. Note that in theory that is only allowed for foreign targets, but they always seem to find ways around that.
The second, and less well known, job is to ensure that nobody but them can do that to US computers and communications streams. So if they say something will make your computer more secure, it’s probably true, with the important addition of “except from them”.
- Comment on Llama 3.1 is Meta's latest salvo in the battle for AI dominance 7 months ago:
If you can’t dominate, the next best thing is to make sure nobody else can.
- Comment on Microsoft points finger at the EU for not being able to lock down Windows 7 months ago:
Maybe it should be. At least part of the package that’s signed.
- Comment on Sam Altman takes nuclear energy company Oklo public to help power his AI ambitions 9 months ago:
He can’t be worse than the ones that are already our overlords.
Pretty much all of human history would like a word.
- Comment on Tesla to lay off everyone working on Superchargers, new vehicles 9 months ago:
- Comment on Tesla to lay off everyone working on Superchargers, new vehicles 9 months ago:
Are they going to give him his $60B bonus now?
- Comment on You can now buy a flame-throwing robot dog for under $10,000 10 months ago:
No, the question is why not?
- Comment on Google just took down IPAs (Apple equivalent of APKs) of popular YouTube tweaks 11 months ago:
$99/year is a lot of you’re just doing it to side load. If you’re using all the tools available, it’s not that much.
- Comment on Apple to over 100 California employees: Move to Texas or lose your job 1 year ago:
I’m not sure people from the Siri team are going to be in high demand.
- Comment on CEOs say generative AI will result in job cuts in 2024 1 year ago:
So… CEOs will cause job cuts in 2024, and have decided to use AI as an excuse.
- Comment on Moderna’s mRNA cancer vaccine works even better than thought 1 year ago:
A good rule of thumb in medicine is “anything that does everything probably does nothing”.
- Comment on Moderna’s mRNA cancer vaccine works even better than thought 1 year ago:
In this case, you have to develop an individual vaccine for every patient based on the DNA from their own cancer. That’s actually a lot of work. $10K a poke is very reasonable given that you could easily spend 10 or 100 times that on conventional treatment.
- Comment on EV Batteries Are Dangerous to Repair. Here’s Why Mechanics Are Doing So Anyway 1 year ago:
What I seem to see most on Lenny is split 50/50 between “EVs are way worse than cars because they are heavy and have tires and tire particulates are FAR worse than tailpipe emissions, and ICE vehicles weigh nothing and don’t have tires anyway” and “EVs are cars and cars are the devil - if you don’t live in a city center and use a bike exclusively you might as well be slaughtering children by the hundreds, because there is literally no moral difference.”
- Comment on VW Is Putting Buttons Back in Cars Because People Complained Enough 1 year ago:
This shit was figured out 30 years ago
More like 100 years ago.
- Comment on Google Promises Unlimited Cloud Storage; Then Cancels Plan; Then Tells Journalist His Life’s Work Will Be Deleted Without Enough Time To Transfer The Data 1 year ago:
Yes, that’s true, but it’s also true that Google has a long history of discontinuing services suddenly, so expecting them to keep this particular promise was extremely naive.
- Comment on Tesla again threatens to sue Cybertruck buyers who try to resell the cars 1 year ago:
Getting to the point where you get it kicked out of court will still cost you enough to ruin you financially though. So it’s a great deterrent.
- Comment on Why scientists are making transparent wood / The results are amazing, that a piece of wood can be as strong as glass 1 year ago:
Yeah. I think they just couldn’t make large enough pieces for any reasonable cost.…/today-in-apple-history-apples-sap…
- Comment on Why scientists are making transparent wood / The results are amazing, that a piece of wood can be as strong as glass 1 year ago:
That project ultimately failed. They use it in the watch, but still use whatever the newest flavor of gorilla glass is on the phone.
- Comment on 1.8 Million Barrels of Oil a Day Avoided from Electric Vehicles 1 year ago:
No, even those are the old talking points! Now it’s “EVs have batteries that are very heavy, so they generate lots of tire particulates, which is way worse than the tailpipe emissions of ICE cars, which somehow magically don’t also have tires or something, and aren’t also getting heavier every year.”
- Comment on OpenAI says it is investigating reports ChatGPT has become ‘lazy’ 1 year ago:
“I already answered that in another query. Closed as duplicate. “
- Comment on US Navy says it will trial using AI to track Chinese submarines in the Pacific 1 year ago:
This tells me that the US Navy already has some way of tracking Chinese submarines that isn’t AI, and that when they clearly know where the subs are, people will think “oh it must be that cool new AI”. This is a cover story.
- Comment on After decades of dreams, a commercial spaceplane is almost ready to fly 1 year ago:
It’s hard to imagine that a spaceplane would have a larger environmental impact than a rocket. Since we are going to continue sending things to space, a spaceplane would have a positive impact on climate change.
- Comment on After decades of dreams, a commercial spaceplane is almost ready to fly 1 year ago:
I think it’s only fair to let sub designers build the spaceplane then.
- Comment on Most of the world's biggest advertisers have stopped buying ads on Elon Musk's X, exclusive new data shows 1 year ago:
So as a result he’s no longer so rich he could do it all again and still have more money than he could possibly spend in hundreds of lifetimes? No? Still super rich? Then it’s not really a meaningful distinction.
- Comment on Solar and wind energy could fulfill energy demand 10-fold, Oxford study finds 1 year ago:
It’s hard to say it’s “wasted”. That just means the sun will shine, and the wind will blow, and nobody will use some of the electricity it could generate.
By that metric, almost 100% of wind and solar power is currently “wasted”. By putting up all that capacity, the amount “wasted” goes way down.
And what becomes possible if you have huge amounts of no cost energy available for some of the day/year? Direct carbon capture? Widespread desalination to produce fresh water? These are things that would help a lot, but are currently infeasible for to energy cost. You don’t have to do them 24/7 - just turn them on to soak up the excess grid capacity. If the cost of electricity went way down, I guarantee you somebody would figure out what to do with the power.