Sounds like something someone who doesn’t know how to PINK would ask…
Comment on Before it's too late! 7 months ago
Why do men need to learn to groan? Are they giving birth? 7 months ago
Comment on Before it's too late! 7 months ago
Why do men need to learn to groan? Are they giving birth?
Sounds like something someone who doesn’t know how to PINK would ask… 7 months ago
I think they meant grunts 7 months ago
Never have I heard someone quite as well capture the appropriate sound to make when you’ve achieved “yeah sex is great but have ya…” for gushing over all the specs that make something you’re showing off so awesome.
It works for cars, it works for stereo systems, it works for a new smoothie blender, it even works for the wildly unhealthy recipe you invented that’s dripping the most decadent yet delicious shit you could cram into it before serving it to your friends like you make Gordon Ramsey look like a Killer Cook. 7 months ago
Maybe, but have you ever heard anyone else do it? Would YOU do it? If you heard a friend excitedly Tim Allen grunt, would you ever really look at them the same? 7 months ago
Yes yes and yes.
It’s a fuckin’ good grunt!