Not sure if by that 50% part you mean that women all care about abortion rights. They definitely don’t. Conservative women love hurting other women whom they perceive to be sluts. It assuages their pain about dedicating their lives to some bubba of a husband who has never made them cum.
Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago
Trump is now the oldest presidential nominee in history. She’s about 20 years younger then him. She’s unburdened by all of Biden’s failures, and can claim all his successes. Also not being catholic she doesn’t have to be weird about abortion and can be pro choice, which post-Roe is a HUGE deal for about 50% of the population. Trumpworld’s best hit against her is her laugh, which is absolutely not doing numbers because… c’mon.
So yeah she’s got a decent chance, but obviously anything can happen. 7 months ago 7 months ago
The only point I’d argue is that whenever I see pictures of people protesting outside abortion clinics there are plenty of women there too…
The abortion topic might not necessarily pull the womens vote as hard as you might think. 7 months ago
There are of course women on both sides, but generally speaking the prospect of being forced to cast a child they do not want is off-putting for most women. 7 months ago
Sure, but how many of those people are ignoring that fact and instead applying an arbitrary moral standard onto other women? 7 months ago
See you’d think that but in practice women almost never imagine the men want restrictions that are actually as strict as the rhetoric suggests.
No exception bans are so beyond the pale that even blood red Nebraska will go 60 to 40 against them. Hitting the abortion button is one of the Dems’ best strategies right now, if the Republicans defend it too much they alienate the center, and if they don’t defend it enough they sap the right’s energy for them, and they themselves have polarized the issue enough that there’s not nearly as much of a goldilocks zone for keeping enough voters grumbling but not turned off to skate by as there may have been in the past.
Also applies to Project 2025 more generally but the abortion issue is the locus around which that broader case can be built from since it’s the “right now” manifestation of just how crazy it will all be. 7 months ago
You’re conflating volume with popular support. The Nationalist Christians and related religious fundamentalists are extremely loud, obnoxious, and annoying, and that group does include women. It’s just important to also acknowledge that religious fundies, despite how noisy they are, are not a majority of the populace at this point.
And moreover, part of the reason they’re being so loud, obnoxious, and annoying, and the core reason of why they’re trying to solidify their hold on power, is that they can see demographic tea leaves - religiosity is plummeting across the country for a lot of very good reasons. But instead of adjusting their stances to be more inclusive, they’ve taken the Fox News route and are going for outrage. As long as we can make it through this and the next election relatively intact, I think and hope that this particularly cancerous tribe of fundies are destined for the dustbin of history. 7 months ago
I think everyone misinterpreted what I said, which I said very poorly. Its my bad.
Women who care about abortion access/rights as single issue voters almost certainly already werent voting Republican already. So if the Dems do run on a pro-choice platform it might not effect the numbers as much as people think.
Essentially it might motivate more people to vote, because its a contentious issue and it will be weighted to votes for the Dems, but I dont think its a magic bullet for her campaign. 7 months ago
Most of those women think the only moral abortion is their abortion. Most of those men abortions are a means to an end of getting women back into the kitchen. This has way more to do with women’s suffrage than it ever did about babies. Just look at how they treat babies/mothers after they are born.