- Comment on Why does it seem like many Americans have an arrogant personality trait? 15 hours ago:
There are good replies here already, but I just want to emphasize the role of bragging. It seems boasting about yourself is quite accepted and sometimes perhaps even expected in the US. In Europe it is not at all, and we tend to react strongly to it.
Whenever I've found Americans to be insufferable they've always been bragging or taking themselves too seriously.
Not all Americans obviously. And I guess a lot of Americans can't stand these people either. But it's still a common American trait that very few Europeans will have patience for.
- Comment on Perry Bible Fellowship - Offbeat surrealist webcomic 15 hours ago:
Fantastic! Thank you for this. :)
- Comment on 3 days ago:
I guess it depends on the art style. But generally, if you want to do it the hard way:
- Get a drawing tablet. The ones where you draw directly on a screen are the best, but they are also way more expensive.
- Get some powerful software that can imitate brushes. Krita is good.
- Practice, experiment, watch videos and gather knowledge on both the art style and your software of choice. Copy pieces of art in the style you want to reproduce until you master it.
With an emphasis on the third point. Digital art done manually is not so different from traditional art - it takes practice.
- Comment on Will threads affect lemmy or just mastodon? 1 week ago:
Lemmy does not display microblogs. So the only way we'd see content from Threads here is if someone on Threads somehow stumbles over content from here (for example if it's boosted by a Mastodon user they follow), and leaves a comment.
So basically it expands the theoretical reach of the comment section, but in practice it's unlikely to have a huge effect.
- Comment on mbin instance looking at lemmy community showing "magazine [community] is not receiving updates" 1 week ago:
Did you subscribe to it? Updates from communities are only received if at least one user is a subscribed to them, so you could probably fix this by subscribing. :)
- Comment on mbin instance looking at lemmy community showing "magazine [community] is not receiving updates" 1 week ago:
It could mean your mbin instance has been defederated from the Lemmy instance the community is hosted on, or that the community is hosted on an instance that has gone offline. For some reason or another, Mbin used to federate with the community, but it doesn't any more.
It could be usful to know which Mbin instance you're on, and which communities appear broken.
Also, welcome back! :)
- Comment on Job related: Am I being stupid? 1 week ago:
It seems you have accidentally found some meaning in your work, something your old self apparently couldn't imagine. Meaning is incredibly important - life is too short to sit around doing as little as possible in order to make money. Humans need meaning, and you're still human even while at work.
So you're not being stupid at all.
Where it becomes tricky is if you are offered positions with less meaning but more money/career opportunities. It's important not to be run over; meaning and wages needs to be balanced. But it seems the wages are the same here, and neither option is a health risk, so I would pick what's meaningful for you.
- Comment on A place to show us your DJ / Modular Setup! 1 week ago:
Cool! Seems like a cool niche, good luck with the community!
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
Wouldn't the right wing of the Democratic party be pretty standard Tory?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
I think the different interpretation of "standing out like a freak" part is more generational. He's not saying people with gender dysphoria are freaks—standing out like a freak is the feeling you have somewhere when you feel completely out of place and uncomfortable. Like if you're wearing yellow socks to a funeral. Nobody comments on it and you're not sure anyone even sees them, but you feel like you're standing out like a freak because you're constantly thinking about it and feeling out of place and as if you don't belong.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
That's awesome.
As for therapy before surgery, I think this is not a bad suggestion. An unbiased and professional therapist would not try to change who you are, but to see if you can learn to be happy with who you are.
Personally I'm a big fan of breaking down gender norms, and for people to say a big "fuck that" to all the expectations that comes with a specific gender. I know being trans is different, but I can't help but suspect that in some occasions (not all) feeling like not belonging to a given sex is contingent upon not so much the body itself, but the stupid-ass expectations we place upon a given gender as a society. Breaking down these norms is hard and important work in its own right, and something one could explore with a (serious) therapist before taking it to a surgeon. So in my (possibly ignorant) mind, suggesting therapy alone first is not a bad thing, though it can sound like it.
Most importantly, it seems he loves you and supports you unconditionally, and he has made a real solid (and successful) effort to understand as well. So whatever you do, it seems he'll be there for you even if it requires effort from his side. You have a good father.
- Comment on How to mute posts containing certain keywords on Lemmy? 2 weeks ago:
I saw that Trump and Musk are muted when not signed in, but for obvious reasons I haven't done onboarding for a while. Neat stuff.
I'll just add that setting up custom filters is also easy as pie.
- Comment on Am I ugly? 2 weeks ago:
No worries! And don't let the negativity in this thread get to you - it's nothing personal, people are just convinced you're not real. If anything, I guess that's a weird compliment of sorts. The best one could hope for coming from the Internet, perhaps.
- Comment on Am I ugly? 2 weeks ago:
Over on Reddit, people posting pictures of some good looking person and asking "am I ugly" is a pretty common way of farming karma.
Reverse image search is a way to find where pictures have been posted before on Google. Here's the search for your image. It appears Google and Reddit has gotten bad to the point where they say your picture was posted 7 years ago, even though this would appear to be false.
Combine the two, and there's a perfect storm where people assume you're some 50 year old guy with a weird kink. Sorry about that.
- Comment on Am I ugly? 2 weeks ago:
...but when you click those links in google reverse image search, they show completely different people. Except the one posted an hour ago. I have no idea what is going on here, just seems weird to me.
- Comment on What do I do for my sister/her friend? 2 weeks ago:
I was a patient kid in school, teachers would pair me up with difficult kids and expect me to fix them without ever telling me that was their strategy. My patience wore real thin.
If the teachers are pushing for this, telling them that she's approaching a breaking point and that this is not sustainable might help. Or it might not, teachers are only human and who knows what is going on in their heads.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
If you want this as a platform to socialize, I think the best thing you can do is to follow your interests, see if there are communities in what you're interested in here already, and if there are not see if you can get one started.
One community I find particularly inspiring is !, initiated by a single user (@ who is making an amazing effort and now attracting quite a bit of attention from a bunch of followers.
But of course, it can also be challenging to build a community, as well as time consing - I have to admit I don't really interact that much with online communities myself these days.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I have a tendency to give off a very unprofessional :| during these meetings, but that's reserved for IRL only.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
I only ever use :) myself. Can't think of a work email where :( seems appropriate.
- Comment on Why is it called Lemmy 🤔? 3 weeks ago:
I think, on your end, my user name probably shows as just "cabbage", not "@cabbage". Which indicates it's a user name (not exclusive), not a handle (exclusive).
Similarly, OP shows up to me as "Aurora (she/her)" rather than "aurora_glamour", which is her handle. Piefed still displays the instance though.
It might not be ideal, as it makes imposters possible. Then again, that has always been the case by using visually identical Unicode characters, so it's not entirely a new problem.
- Comment on Why is it called Lemmy 🤔? 3 weeks ago:
I never cared much about Reddit, but then again, I'm not using Lemmy either. So maybe you're right.
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Welcome here! It's more focused on public discussion and less on individuals here, but there are some friendly communities around here as well. I hope you'll like it, but it might not indeed be the best platform for developing proper friendships. :)
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
Sweet user name!
- Comment on Is the Nintendo Switch 2 the end of innovative consoles? 3 weeks ago:
I guess this is more like the GBC / GBA shift, considering DS, DS Lite and for the most part DSi all played the same games.
- Comment on Does anyone actually know what MAGA all agree they are getting out of all this? 3 weeks ago:
It seems to me Trumps strategy is always to promise different, often contradictory, things to different people. Anti elite is the red thread.
By tearing the entire country down, I guess a lot of his base feels he is successfully fucking up the elites. They like him because his different and promises real change, and I guess that's what they are getting.
- Comment on When would it make sense for someone to get a domain name? 3 weeks ago:
If you need to maintain any sort of public presence for private or professional purposes, having your own website and domain puts you in control over your own content. I see mine partly as a platform to instantly publish whatever I feel like, partly as a fun thing to tinker with, and partly as a LinkedIn alternative where people look me up online and I'm in control over what they see and which cookies they have to accept (none).
- Comment on [deleted] 3 weeks ago:
For the love of everything, please do take to the streets. Better late than never.
- Comment on If a hostile country has installed a puppet leader to dismantle your government from the inside and the only thing that would expidite its destruction is a violent revolution how do you combat this? 2 months ago:
She'll be happy to hear that it has worked on numerous occasions throughout history! After the fall of Fascism in Europe, people in many countries got together and created strong welfare states in the post war period. Some were moe successful than others, but even in the ultraconservative UK they managed to create a national health service that hs proven difficult to kill off.
Sadly, I'll have to break to her that the fight never ends. The second you stop fighting for progress, some asshole will pop up and try to instill feudalism again. After a generation or two people tend to forget the ongoing nature of this threat, and it seems we haven't managed to come up with ways to permanently get rid of it, despite our best efforts in the French and American revolutions.
Maybe the time has come to go back to the drawing board, and rethink some of the decisions that were made back then. Jefferson said every generation should have its own constitution. Maybe he was right.
- Comment on If a hostile country has installed a puppet leader to dismantle your government from the inside and the only thing that would expidite its destruction is a violent revolution how do you combat this? 2 months ago:
If your friend is willing to make the effort to combat this, she should get organized. She should find like-minded people, act locally to gain political power, and create a stronghold where the illegitimate government will face resistance. She should base this around ideological lines, rather than willingly subscribing to what experienced members in established political elites in her country are trying to make her say or do. She should write down whether values are and make sure to keep them close at all times, knowing that she just might be successful and that power corrupts.
She should not give up hope, but she should give up the belief that others will change anything for her. She needs recognize that her country is already broken, and she needs to act to be the change.
She needs to recognize that she's not powerless. She can make a difference.
Likewise, she needs to recognize that it's a long and painful process. It needs to start locally, and it might always stay local. But that is fine.
She needs to realize strength is in the community. Building the community of like minded people working for local action is crucial. She'll be disappointed in them at times, but she'll just have to keep going. There's power in community.
At least that's what I think I'd advice her. But I don't know your friend or her situation, obviously.
- Comment on Why can't someone create a public alternative to health insurance in the USA? 2 months ago:
American capitalists are really, really good at cracking down on any civil attempt at unionising and/or improving society at the cost of the ultra rich.
You could recite the extensive history of violence, but honestly the greatest achievement is in the propaganda. Solidarity seems to be commonly understood - by all classes - as having to take the bill for somebody even poorer than yourself, and nobody seems to be comfortable with the idea that they might themselves one day benefit.
Americans can't have good things before they start fighting back. Read up on union history. Organize. Educate. Teach people what solidarity is and what the Battle of Blair Mountain was. Learn what was taken away from you, and help others understand as well. Begin locally.
Either that, or keep watching the fascists take over day by day, as they have been doing for decades.