There are people called Sam and not Samantha. There are Matts that aren’t Matthews. There are Joes that aren’t Joseph.
Maybe don’t be a dick?
Comment on Breaking News! 7 months agoYou’re shocked to find out Joe is short for Joseph? Not very bright, are you
There are people called Sam and not Samantha. There are Matts that aren’t Matthews. There are Joes that aren’t Joseph.
Maybe don’t be a dick?
Nicknames as legal names is one of my pet peeves, and I acknowledge that I have no right to have an opinion about someone’s name.
I worked with a guy whose legal name was Billy once. This was in the South, of course. 7 months ago
I knew that Joe could be short for Joseph, it just never occured to me you guys would address the president of all people with a short form. 7 months ago
William Clinton was also typically referred to by the shortened version of his name. 7 months ago
I surrender, this time around I didn’t even know you could shorten William to Bill. Next up someone’s telling me Donald is short for Ottobertifurz - honoring his fake german roots. 7 months ago
Donald is short for Ronaldo 7 months ago
For some reason, that generation very rarely use their actual name. I had an uncle whose real name I only found out at his funeral, he had gone by his middle name all his life.