Being non-binary is not the same as being trans… and perhaps they were being downvoted for a different reason.
I always find it odd when people assume why someone is being downvoted. You never know why someone votes the way they do.
Comment on The worst pick-up line I've ever gotten 7 months agowowwww a trans person sharing their experience being heavily downvoted.
let’s all say it together!!
Lemmy is transphobic as fuck!!
Being non-binary is not the same as being trans… and perhaps they were being downvoted for a different reason.
I always find it odd when people assume why someone is being downvoted. You never know why someone votes the way they do.
It can be. I’ve had two surgeries to neutralize the parts of my body that were gendered.
How’d you get access to that? It seems to be a major pain in the backside (at least here in the UK as a person afab) getting anyone to actually take NBs seriously in terms of the medical side of things.
not uncommon in California. plenty of nonbinary people get surgeries.
I told them they were hurting my back, which had the advantage of being true. Also I saved up.
Not necessarily. One can be non-binary and not be trans. I know someone that identifies as NB and they never “transitioned” into their current self. They’ve always been that way and never transitioned.
That sounds a lot like you lean more towards the medical side of trans. This is fine on its face but it can often lead to a lot of gatekeeping and such within and outside of the community.
The most common example is to have people only count as trans if they are taking medication and then limiting access to that medication to certain groups, effectively removing the classifier of “trans” from the person.
Judging someones anything purely by a certain standard leans into the No True Scotsman side of things and can damage the community and it’s members.
I appreciate that you’re willing to learn more on the topic either way. I don’t think you’re an asshole but basing if someone is trans purely medically is also something assholes do for asshole end goals. It’s less about you and more about the company that shares that opinion and the other opinions that company shares amongst themselves.
Okay so like, 1% of nonbinary people don’t identify as trans but it’s generally accepted considered part of the trans umbrella and it’s fucked up to the vast majority of nonbinary people to say they arent trans… esp when there are tons of asshole transmeds trying to say that.
It’s not a “different opinion”, it’s denying people’s identities which can lead to people denying trans healthcare. It’s a huge asshole take.
I’m not the gender I was assigned at birth. What’s your definition of trans then???
Gender identity doesn’t get assigned at birth. There is no “gender” field on a birth certificate.
Sex gets identified at birth (at the latest, usually before, during pregnancy, unless specifically requested to keep it secret).
Two reasons this is important to point out:
I very much agree with this point. My reaction there was mostly just a gut response to being excluded from trans spaces in the past for not being “trans enough” and I could’ve worded it better.
I never claimed to be an expert. I am admitting now that I am somewhat ignorant as to what the exact definitions are, but from what I understand from what my NB friend explained it is that if you transition from one gender to another that makes you trans. NB are neither gender so there was no transition between genders.
I guess one could make the argument that they transitioned from being gender-labeled to being non-gender, but IMO that’s a stretch in an attempt to label NB people as trans.
That being said, there is nothing wrong with being trans. I was just trying to make a distinction as was explained to me by a NB person.
I guess what they’re getting at is that if “non-binary” is considered a gender identity unto itself, then you could describe one being trans in the sense of “from man to non-binary”, for example.
That person’s understanding of trans identity is not common. Most nonbinary people consider themselves to be trans.
I stand corrected; non-binary people are transgender. I apologize for my ignorance. I just didn’t know.
What I also don’t know is why you’re so angry. All that happened was I didn’t know something. I learned my mistake, apologized, and hope you’ll relax a little and realize that not everyone knows everything you do. Please don’t be mad at someone’s ignorance.
Maybe don’t speak so confidently on trans issues when you aren’t trans! Esp considering the transmed vibe you have given off, inadvertantly or no. Just stop speaking for other people.
in what way was I an asshole in this comment exchange? pointing out transphobic behavior? I can live with that
Victim complex. Maybe instead of making everything about you and your struggles, just take it for a funny post that has literally nothing to do with trans people.
It was a trans person posting about their experience, so, uh
wowwww a trans person making unfair assumptions/criticisms of people for quoting an extremely popular piece of pop culture.
let’s all say it together!!
Being trans is not a prejudice pass!!
Someone literally just shared their experience as a trans person, and it was downvoted. 7 months ago
I think the people downvoting took “quoting Harry Potter sounds like you hate me” as “quoting Harry Potter means you hate trans people” (stated as fact). The OP said this is how it feels to them, we shouldn’t downvote people for sharing how they experienced something.