The issue is 3 years old, I honestly dont know why it is being dredged up again. I also dont know why any of this matters, use something else if you care about the dev beliefs some years ago.
Comment on don't use ladybird browser lol 8 months ago
Personal politics, what age do they live in? Gender neutral has been the norm for quite some time. Females are welcome to exist, both as users and as developers. 8 months ago 8 months ago
The Ladybird browser, which is highly related to this project, just did a PR event yesterday. That’s why it’s coming up years later, right after people were alerted to the project and it got more scrutiny. I appreciate knowing about this, as opposed to not knowing about it. It gives me the chance to evaluate whether I want to dedicate energy into supporting a browser primarily being developed by a sexist who thinks not being a cis male == politics. 8 months ago
Primarily being developed by someone who was most likely a sexist, three years ago, and who is now being dogpiled by people who probably weren’t ever going to use his software anyway.
If anyone really cared about this, they should just fork the code and start their own inclusive version. Literally steal the asshat’s project out from under him. Instead, everyone is coming out of the woodwork to try and score asinine dunks on the dev’s shitty opinion. 8 months ago
For me personally, this is just the straw that broke the camel’s back. I’m not a fan of the languages it’s written in, its license, its immaturity, and that it’s mostly being developed by one person. Additional minor strike for communicating through discord. Now we learn that the most influential person on the project has some real bad vibes and it’s probably best to give this a pass as a whole.
In my eyes the whole selling point of the browser is being an independent underdog with a clean slate, but what’s the point if we’re starting with a list of IOUs for things that are already bad out of the gate. 8 months ago
Because trolls have nothing better to do. 8 months ago
They live in the C++ age. 8 months ago
You joke but I realised I feel exactly the same about this as I do about the choice of C++, which is: deep sigh ok sure 8 months ago
Not allowed to call them “females” any more. 8 months ago
I must’ve missed that announcement at the last antifa meetup. 8 months ago
Buzzfeed made it a rule mate. Keep up 8 months ago
As a non-native speaker, I really have a lot of problems using a plural word as singular. When I read it, I always have to read twice to check whether one or more people are meant. I rather read and use “she/he” even with the additional typing. 8 months ago
Some people don't identify as either of those. And there already is a common word that can be used for either singular or plural, which is "you." 8 months ago
And English is imprecise for “you” as well. For he/she/it grammar at least doesn’t change. Substitute that pronoun for they and suddenly the grammar switches to plural. That totally confuses me. 8 months ago
“They” can quite happily function as singular. I asked my friend about this and they gave me their opinion. They told me that they use “they” or “them” to discuss people when their biological sex is unimportant or unknown. I would like to ask them more but they have to leave. They tell me that they’ll be back later.
They (singular) say something. He/she/it says something. They (all) say something. You (all) say something. I say something. You (singular) say something. You’ll notice “he/she/it” seems to be the irregular outlier here. English is strange. 8 months ago
you don’t understand the language and thus everyone should comply with you? i’d rather read correct english than what you find more understandable 8 months ago
You obviously understand English to a lesser degree than me. I nowhere wrote that I made demands to comply with me. Where on earth do you get that idea that offering a perspective is a demand? 8 months ago
then use “they”, do you speak exclusively with yourself? your linguistic choices affect others, just like others’ linguistic choices affect you (as you were noticing and complaining about) 8 months ago
Is “He” not correct grammatically speaking?
Let’s be real here, I’ve seen every post about Lady Bird and every time someone comes in to make a huge nothing burger about this PR. Yall are just a gigantic mob out for blood for absolutely no reason.
Your concern should be whether or not the browser works, its not even finished ffs. If this were a released, absolutely 100% complete app, then sure! Go and be pessimistic about grammar. However I can garauntee you they have bigger obstacles to overcome. 8 months ago
“they” ist kein Pluralwort. “they” ist ein Pronomen der 3. Person Singular sowie der 3. Person Plural. Das ist genau so, wie “you” ein Pronomen der 2. Personal Singular und der 2. Person Plural ist. 8 months ago
And yet the grammar attached with its use is plural and that’s super weird. “They goes to the store” is just wrong.