It's on the nose but I don't think it should be causing too much confusion within a community that's about the fediverse.
Comment on Did the largest Ukraine community & its instance got nuked? 8 months ago
The words “Ukraine” and “nuked” should probably be used with special care at this particular moment in history. 8 months ago 8 months ago
Don’t worry, if Kyiv’s getting nuked, so are all the rest of us, so you’d have found out long before you had time to read about it! :D
More seriously, someone’s really gotta figure out how to attack the nuclear arms specifically. Putin is making it obvious that the world will never be safe if there’s even the remotest chance some lunatic could gain the ability to fire those things.
It would have to be the fastest military operation ever conducted in human history, but if it worked, it would save the world. 8 months ago
Putin is making it obvious that the world will never be safe if there’s even the remotest chance some lunatic could gain the ability to fire those things.
There needs to be more than one lunatic to follow those orders 8 months ago
Looking at the current conduct of the russian military, you’re not exactly giving me higher hopes for our ability to let anyone have those 8 months ago
Well, the world isn’t nuked yet. 8 months ago
Ah yes the good old: Good lunatic with nuclear arsenal :D 8 months ago
What? Good lunatic? What are you talking about? 8 months ago
Don’t worry, if Kyiv’s getting nuked, so are all the rest of us, so you’d have found out long before you had time to read about it! :D
Actually, I don’t think they’d ever find out about it. One second they would exist, and then suddenly, not so much. Obviously no one has any way to prove this, but the going expectation is that if you get nuked, you don’t even feel pain. It happens so fast, you just cease to be an alive person anymore, and instead become a pile of ash. You essentially go from healthy living human, to creamation where you stand, in an instant.
Obviously nobody who’s ever been vaporized like that can comment after the fact if they felt pain, or were aware of anything. What we do know is there have been recovered scenes after the Japanese nuked cities where you see a shadow in the shape of a person. That’s where that person was, and their body cast enough of a shadow in that moment of bright intense light, that it prevented the ground from being cooked by the blast. Unfortunately, nobody was giving the middle finger to something unrelated when the blast happened. As dark as the situation was, if it had to happen, it would have been kinda neat if the shadows were doing something interesting by pure chance.
But yeah, they wouldn’t have had time to even know they’d been bombed. 8 months ago
There’s a way to prove it; we know how quickly pain signals propagate through our nerves and how quickly nukes disintegrate matter. The degree of skepticism you’d need to be uncertain about it would cause you to need to resolve solipsism before you allowed nukes to even exist. There’s a certain radius within which, if you don’t have sufficient shielding there’s no possibility of pain. There’s another smaller radius for which no amount of shielding will change the outcome. 8 months ago
I guess pursuing the question much further is necessarily going to take us to the big one, “what happens after we die?”
And there’s only so many times I can deliver the punch line “lots of things that just don’t involve us anymore.” before I start to feel like a “that guy” about it. 8 months ago
I’ve always had an alternative take on the “afterlife”. Some people like to think of spirits as this tangible thing, like a ghost, or something that is self aware. I see it more like how someone would say “The spirit of the city comes alive at these events!”. So in that case, the city has a spirit. It’s not a ghost, but that’s more along the lines of how I interpret the spirit. My grandma died in October. Her spirit lives on with me until the day I die. I will continue spreading stories of the things she’s taught to me. In that way, she will continue to inspire people who she’s never even met. So in that way her spirit lives on.
So now that you get the idea of what I mean by spirit, here is what I think happens to us when we die. In the short term, you cease to exist. You don’t experience anything more. You don’t look down upon people from the heavens. You don’t roam the earth observing life. You just…don’t exist anymore. In the long term your spirit lives on. Each persons spirit will continue a different length of time. I’m sure there was probably a guy named Tom who lived in what is now Boston, back in the 1600s. I have no idea about who or what Tom did, because everything he ever did has been forgoten. Toms spirit has died. Others have their spirit live on for much longer. George Washingtons spirit lives on as long as America lives on. There may or may not have been a guy named Jesus. If he did exist, he’s got to hold the record for longest living spirit. I can’t think of anybody elses spirit from 2000+ years ago we still think about today.
The point is, while you’re alive you have the chance to make an impact on as many or as few people as you can. Physically everybody is going to experience death differently. Ironically, people who are executed through lethal injection have the easiest death I can think of. Pain free. The rest of us are going to experience something much more horrible. Some die in their sleep peacefully.
But after you’re gone, your spirit is all that remains. How long it remains depends on who you inspired, and what concepts you gave birth to for societies benefit. 8 months ago
The moment Russia uses nukes in Ukraine is the moment they get completely fucked by NATO. It's been pretty clear that nuclear weapons are the reddest of red lines.
And in case of a Russian collapse I guess we'd need some form of UN intervention to secure certain nuclear sites. Really depends on how bad things would go there in such an event though. 8 months ago
If Russia use them and NATO respond with nukes or anything that will cause major problems, they’ll send their nukes to the West (Europe, US), and the West will send them back.
Mutually assured destruction. The question would be who would survive? NZ? South America? Africa? Asia?
I’m fucked personally as I’m in the UK.
I would rather we didn’t masturbate over nuclear weapons because what happened to Japan would be nothing compared to the loss of life on a global scale. It is a good option for nobody. 8 months ago
I refuse to believe that there isn’t a secret containment plan that all nuclear powers are coerced into agreeing to that basically gives every other nuclear power the right to intervene and secure the nukes from paramilitaries and terrorists in the event of state collapse.
The only reason I would presume NK isn’t in on it is because everyone’s agreed by now that if they fall it’s gonna be a race between China and South Korea for who can press a legitimate claim first. 8 months ago
Yeah I almost did a double take