The cloth does nothing to stop the virus but also completely cuts off oxygen to your brain.
No I will not explain. It’s your job to educate yourself by watching more Jordan Peterson videos.
Comment on NASA finds humanity would totally fumble asteroid defense 8 months ago
We can’t even come together to wear a peice of cloth to slow the spread of a virus.
The cloth does nothing to stop the virus but also completely cuts off oxygen to your brain.
No I will not explain. It’s your job to educate yourself by watching more Jordan Peterson videos.
I know it’s stupid but /s really should be mandatory if you arennot serious. Because there are too many prople that are
Poe’s law strikes again
Goddamnit, stop making me click the downvote button twice!
Just stopping by to say that I understood the obvious sarcasm/joke
I hope you’re a troll. That’s just next level stupidity to be real.
The second sentence tells me troll/sarcasm. But there are people who unironically believe that
And yet it is…
Sir, I’m trying to survive a pandemic not learn how to be a lobster.
Did you get the special chloroform-infused masks? I hear they’re the only ones that do the job properly.
We can’t even come together to wear a peice of cloth to slow the spread of a virus. 8 months ago
Actually we DID. Tho' only for a little while. And the results were enormous. The B/Yamgata Influenza lineage appears to have gone extinct. The cool part is we weren't even trying to do anything with those specific efforts to affect influenza. All of which should encourage us to cooperate more. No less. 8 months ago
Please give us more cool facts! 8 months ago
Doctor Ignaz Semmelweiss in the mid-1800s suggested that obstetricians should wash and sterilize their hands before attending their patients to reduce the chance of infection. He was rejected by the medical community, ridiculed by colleagues, and eventually locked in an asylum where he was killed.
We’re sliding back in time. 8 months ago
People forget the most important bit. The clapback to Semmelweiss was “A doctor’s hands are always clean!”
Humans are irrational fucking idiots and we prove it daily. 8 months ago
That is far less cool. 8 months ago
Semmelweiss is also partially responsible for the widespread rejection of his findings. He basically called doctors who did not follow his advice murderers which naturally didn’t help his popularity. Antagonising someone who you are trying to convince usually just entrenches their opinions further. 8 months ago
also for the strong of mind: 8 months ago
Why the change of heart at tha last sentence? 8 months ago
LoL, not an English major. Edit...