It is a bit more nuanced than that, AFAIK they added female versions of a specific subset of human military, which for all this time were explicitly male with various lore reasons supporting that fact.
I’m not involved on the hobby myself but went on the occasional lore reading spree on the wikis, as s disclaimer. But I can understand that fans are upset about retcons such as this, where there wasn’t much ambiguity in the lore to squeeze the change in, making it a pretty hard lore break 9 months ago
Yeah, there were a group of male supersoldiers (custodes) who were literally written originally to be a “brotherhood” in the early lore from the 90s, and always represented that way. They changed it in a lore shitty way, essentially saying there were women custodes all along and never addressing the original lore
Some folks were like “yo, write consistently, and if you wanna change something, just change it with new lore” and some folks were like “” ahhh fuck women! They could never hack it as my favorite character!!!"
it literally doesn’t matter because these supersoldiers are works of science fiction, so removed from reality that they are hand built by techno gene craft. There’s nothing about the setting that would make such fiction impossible