Comment on American wanting to move abroad, what's the best bet for an registered nurse? 9 months agoIf you’re concerned about a rightward drift, you’re not going to like many places in Europe. I also wouldn’t leave a country because of a temporary political shift. America’s left is more powerful now than it’s been in close to 100 years and it’s only growing with the next generation. If politics is the main reason you want to leave, I’d seriously encourage you to rethink things. That seems very shortsighted, especially given the political tide in Europe. 9 months ago
Is Europe going further right than the US? 9 months ago
no 9 months ago
Socially it is moving pretty fast to the right in many places. They still have trains and healthcare. For now. Most US cities are as left leaning as Europe is. 9 months ago
Than the US? Eastern Europe, sure. A lot of the rest is heading in the wrong direction, whereas the US seems to be moving in the right (left) direction. 9 months ago
The US is moving to the left? 9 months ago
Have you met a gen Z kid? The most conservative Americans are dying off and religion is TANKING at a record pace. 9 months ago
If by Eastern Europe you mean Belarus and Hungary, maybe. 9 months ago
This isn’t the impression that I get about the US at all.
The conservative movement is stronger than ever. Half the country wants to install a conservative dictator?
Youth have always been left leaning. For every Gen Z vegan pouting about climate change there’s a thirty something that just bought their own home and decided that things are “ok just as they are”.
Since the advent of social media politics across the globe has been sliding to the right and I don’t see that trajectory changing in the imminent future. 9 months ago
As a millennial 30-something, my ilk are only slightly left of the older generation. Gen Z, of which I have some (in-law) siblings, is different. These are kids who saw the Trump shit, even if they didn’t totally understand it all. But it left an impression. They are also way more open minded and waaaay less religious. That alone indicates a shift left. And the old adage of shifting right in your 30s/40s has not held for millennials. Assuming it doesn’t hold for Gen X (why would it?), the US is going in a promising direction.
One problem we do have is an activation of boomer voters in response to this stuff. But y’know what Gen X has that Boomers don’t? Time.