Spotify had the best UX of any music streaming service for the longest time
Not if you actually like have controls and managing music. They’ve been actively fucking their UX’s usability for years. Options just disappearing or being moved to hidden places, garbage shoved in front you constantly, etc. 8 months ago
I wouldn’t say its pointless, but it really doesn’t help much considering the quality of your average headset/earpieces. 8 months ago
Even in blind tests and high end gear, people often mistake 320kbps MP3s as the lossless track. Compression is incredible these days and isn't inherently a bad thing like it used to be, it saves a lot of space and bandwidth with minimal to no perceivable difference in quality.
And as you point out, not even worth considering at all with average equipment. 8 months ago
Even as an Audiophile, I agree, FLAC is a waste of bandwidth and disk space unless you’re remixing tracks (which most people don’t do!) 8 months ago
I don’t know, I have a couple of tracks that I love, but could never get them in FLAC. I listen to them on a very high volume and always feel like there are bits that would feel smoother if they were lossless. I am unable to confirm or deny that. 8 months ago
You basically need professional headphones and speakers to notice any difference, my guess is that 99% of Spotify customers have headphones that didn’t cost more than $100, so why would they care? I mean, I have nice headphones and speakers and after some blind tests I couldn’t notice any difference. 8 months ago
Or if there is a noticeable difference, you have to really listen for it. Which if you wanna do that, then fine, but the vast majority of the time usually have music on while they are doing something else and don't sit listening for every subtle difference, if one exists.