- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 6 days ago:
I had this one many moons ago. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coleco_Telstar_Arcade#/me…
Wood grain, triangular, and it had a gun.
- Comment on France runs fusion reactor for record 22 minutes 2 weeks ago:
Not equivalent. Let’s measure the aircraft performance by its ability to carry passengers between capital cities.
It’s baby steps and we need to encourage more investment. Not dismiss the Wright brothers for being unable to fly from New York to London after ten years of development.
- Comment on Who here does NOT have intrusive thoughts? 3 weeks ago:
It’s like people who find I don’t believe in hell asking “what’s stopping you from murdering people?”
If religion is all that’s stopping you, I’m worried.
- Comment on Why isn't free stuff (public domain/noncommercial) discussed as much as paid stuff? 3 weeks ago:
Slightly related, I tend to look at heavily advertised products as inferior. Because really good things sell themselves, and all that marketing money ends up in the price I pay.
- Comment on Palmer Luckey says he wants to 'turn warfighters into technomancers' as Anduril takes over production of the US Army's IVAS AR headset from Microsoft 3 weeks ago:
My first thought was the reliability. Can you rely on this new tech in a life or death situation. I didn’t even think of the batteries.
- Comment on What determines whether something is small enough to regrow on a mammal? 3 weeks ago:
I know from experience that you can cut the tip of your finger off and it will grow back more or less the same. But if you have it stitched back on, it will leave a scar and not feel the same again.
- Comment on Looks legit, but can it actually be a real thing? 3 weeks ago:
I’ll stop by later then.
- Comment on What should I bring to far-north Scandinavia? 3 months ago:
Don’t forget to bring your Christmas wish list for Santa in Rovaniemi then.
- Comment on No Google Cloud for 12 hours due to power outage. 4 months ago:
Companies are made up of people. Companies save money by firing the most expensive people, the most experienced. The ones left have a lot less experience.
- Comment on WhatsApp is making a massive change to the way it saves your contacts 4 months ago:
Everyone I know has their contacts backed up to google or apple. Enter your account and password into your new phone and your contacts are there. Zero benefit.
- Comment on Baidu CEO warns AI is just an inevitable bubble — 99% of AI companies are at risk of failing when the bubble bursts 4 months ago:
Just to b sure, I’m going to set mine at 200%, to be double sure.
- Comment on ANU asks staff to give up agreed pay rise to help reach $250m cost cuts 4 months ago:
Next headline “evil union forced the government to gut services at ANU”
- Comment on Do animals feel love and emotion? 4 months ago:
Thanks, I probably will change soon, but I have to convince my partner first…
- Comment on Do animals feel love and emotion? 5 months ago:
I struggle with this all the time. I hate watching cute piggy videos because I remember them next time I eat bacon.
- Comment on Market operator issues first-ever low-demand warning as solar 'juggernaut' risks grid overload 5 months ago:
Yeah… Usually I just check the price to see if I can sauna or not. It’s by far the biggest user of power in my apartment.
- Comment on Market operator issues first-ever low-demand warning as solar 'juggernaut' risks grid overload 5 months ago:
Aussie in Finland here. We have an electricity system here with “spot price”. I get charged a price per kWh depending on the forecasted supply (from producers) and demand (from history and other math) and it changes every hour. At the time of writing this it is 0.60 c/kWh (+margin+transmission+taxes for a total of 7.87c/kWh).
When demand is higher, like winter, and supply is lower (maintenance or faults or no wind), the price can go up to 30-50c, but when there is plenty of power about the energy price can go into negatives.
This makes an effect on usage and stabilises the system. But probably too hard to set up.
- Comment on Grind or something 5 months ago:
I got a ban on Facebook for using the word “fatty”. Didn’t matter I was talking about the breakdown of fatty acids in digestion, because “fatty” is bad.
- Comment on Headlamp tech that doesn’t blind oncoming drivers—where is it? 5 months ago:
And to all the cyclists who use a bright led lamp on their handlebar, remember to also point them down, not straight ahead. I’ve been blinded as a pedestrian and a driver by cyclists who don’t position their lights correctly.
- Comment on Would you consider making a sandwich to be "cooking?" 5 months ago:
You can grow your wheat, and raise pigs, but to really make it from scratch, first you need to create the universe.
- Comment on Someone got woken up on Sunday morning 🤣 5 months ago:
I once wanted a Harley. The name was synonymous with manliness and freedom.
Now I see that they only have the image of manliness, and the owners are people who need to be assured that they are manly.
If I ride again, I’m getting an electric bike.
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 5 months ago:
It’s a beautiful day, in my ass
- Comment on Any non-tech-background self-hosters? 5 months ago:
Hi, I’m a chef. I’m just playing around with raspberry pis and stuff. I just like learning and seeing what I can do.
- Comment on Queensland’s premier wants publicly owned petrol stations – is that a good idea? 6 months ago:
Better product, and better service. Not better on the price, but it was asked for one out of three.
- Comment on Queensland’s premier wants publicly owned petrol stations – is that a good idea? 6 months ago:
- Comment on AI Music Generator Suno Admits It Was Trained on ‘Essentially All Music Files on the Internet’ 6 months ago:
Just ask for it to make you a song in the “Beans and Dairy” genre
- Comment on Nuclear too slow to replace coal, and baseload “simply can’t compete” with wind and solar, AEMO boss says 7 months ago:
Why does eastern Europe get less sunlight?
- Comment on Nuclear too slow to replace coal, and baseload “simply can’t compete” with wind and solar, AEMO boss says 7 months ago:
Which countries? The UK is famous for its cloudy weather, yet solar is feasible there. Finland and Sweden are building more and more solar. Not sure where you’re talking about.
- Comment on Would it be possible to use aerosol-based geoengineering technology locally to cool houses? 7 months ago:
My grandma used to water the garden around the house and spray water over the roof on hot days. Try that first.
- Comment on AI-Powered Super Soldiers Are More Than Just a Pipe Dream 7 months ago:
Might makes right.
- Comment on Could anyone explain the linguistics around the word "shit"? 7 months ago:
And don’t forget the division. A piece of shit, is bad, like a car that won’t start, or a selfish person. A big piece of shit or a huge piece of shit is worse, but it’s never a whole shit, because then it would be The shit, and good.