As someone who does audio production as a hobby, and recently made an album using mostly Android, I can tell you that audio routing in Android is an absolute nightmare. Basically, Android (at least my Android devices) doesn’t give you access to any settings at all, it just assumes that you use the default settings of whatever you happen to plug into it.
I had a problem where I’d plug in my DAC, and it would detect it and start using it, but it failed to work in the app I wanted it to work in. It took me something like two days to figure out I had to plug things in in a different order in order for them to work properly. Just infuriating, and something that would be simple to fix if they’d just give you some super simple audio routing options, but NOOO, they just have to assume that no one knows what they’re doing and try to do everything for you. 10 months ago
Some of that is the Bluetooth standard being the single most half-assed thing ever made by man.