My understanding of the original comment was that it was a marksman/spotter. Those are two people who work in tandem to perform a function.
The spotter looks at the larger picture, usually with some kind of binocular or similar, looking for threats and scanning a large area. Their other function is to protect the marksman. So if a threat (or anything really) approaches their position, the marksman can continue to focus on their job, while the spotter defends their position.
The marksman is simply just a sniper. It’s a fancy name for a sniper.
They deploy like this in pretty much every operation. Two man teams. The spotter providing protection and support for the marksman, and the marksman executing the mission.
I feel like people missed that, or maybe I misunderstood the poster? IDK.
Killing people is bad. 8 months ago
A needless inaccurate distinction obscuring what it really is, it is a sniper. It is not normal. These crowds existed before the snipers arrived and will exist long after the protests end. 8 months ago
I’m not trying to obfuscate anything. The job title of a “sniper” is “marksman”.
A marksman is basically a highly accurate Rifleman which is a type of infantry.
This is all military shit.
“Sniper” is just a more commonly used term for a marksman, but they’re exactly the same thing.
The only point to my comment is that you seemed to think that the commenter saying it was a marksman meant it wasn’t a sniper. They’re literally the same job. 8 months ago
Are they also not the students from the school? So they would have been on campus but not all in one place anyway. 8 months ago
Again with pointless and needless distinctions that attempt to lessen the sin being committed. 8 months ago
Umm, I think you have my point backwards… unless you are implying the protesters are sinners?