Welcome to capitalism, where the poor get poorer and so on and so forth :-)
Here’s a copy. When the page has loaded, click on the Reader Mode in Firefox for clutter free reading : web.archive.org/…/tiktok-ban-ukraine-israel-aid.h…
Comment on House Moves Toward Bundling TikTok Bill With Aid to Ukraine and Israel
Mazoku@lemmy.ml 10 months ago
Real shit, how can I bypass article paywalls/sign up requests? I click the link, paywall. I find an alternative link: paywall. The internet is so shit
Welcome to capitalism, where the poor get poorer and so on and so forth :-)
Here’s a copy. When the page has loaded, click on the Reader Mode in Firefox for clutter free reading : web.archive.org/…/tiktok-ban-ukraine-israel-aid.h…
I say this all the time, and people say: “impossible, news outlets need revenue”. To which I will say that is entirely bullshit. We could easily afford grants for news, and provide continuing grants to news sources that rank the highest in 3rd party consumer evaluations.
But they don’t currently.
So if you read it you should pay for it, or someone else will.
Look into noscript (Firefox extension), seems to work well for my local papers website (they use some js to hide the page after it loads, noscript blocks scripts from running).
1ft.io and 12ft.io work for me most of the time.
Otherwise I try one of the archive sites like archive.today or archive.ph but they don’t always work. I can’t even get past the captcha most times.
If reader mode not work, there are some website: 12ft.io, 1ft.io, removepaywall.com, archive.ph
Mazoku@lemmy.ml 10 months ago
Also as much as I hate TikTok, and the amount of time people spend on it, I think the government starting to censor what applications we can and can’t use is a scary thing. Congressmen have already stated “As soon as the TikTok legislation takes effect, we are going after Facebook and the others”
Can’t remember which one said it but it was an interview on NPR with a congressman.