Buy land & properties for dirt cheap to sell and profit in the next Matrix reboot, while living in a nicer place.
Comment on Rich Americans are getting second passports, citing risk of instability 10 months ago
“The U.S. is still a great country, it’s still an amazing passport,” Volek told CNBC in a report published Wednesday morning. “But if I’m wealthy, I would like to hedge against levels of volatility and uncertainty.”
After the rich screwed up everything, they just bounce now? SMH 10 months ago 10 months ago
That’s why they’re all building rockets. 10 months ago
They’ve been building luxury bunker complexes in the most temperate, stable places like New Zealand for over a decade so they can cut and run when their con game runs out of legs and they can’t find any more suckers to make ego score line go up wheee on a decimated Earth.
The owner class has known exactly what they’re doing for a long time, they just don’t care about anyone who isn’t them, and they’d rather see how high of an ego score they can get than to do what’s significantly harder: care about anyone else. 10 months ago
imma make a raft and bring my hammer and chisel 10 months ago
Then we all fly overseas and find them, Taken style 10 months ago
wait until you hear about how hedge funds work